Fix the Following Critical Bugs

    Aug 2, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    Star Made right now as is, is a great game. I will be buying a copy soon - I haven't from pure laziness nothing else.

    This game reeks of good design and magnificent thought in making a "build your own ship in universe" game. Truly magnificent. You the player, reading this now, have no idea how many ways they could of sunk this ship badly doing too much or too little. I am VERY grateful we have such a solid well thought out game in terms of its mechanics, and complexities (and lack of - although more the better for myself).

    However I think Schema and co have underestimated player tolerances and have pushed the "they will understand" mark a bit too far. Most players have the attention spans of moths and the patience of a horny dog. I can see in Australia, our servers are wastelands, our few players get frustrated with servers dying repeatedly or crashes, it reflects in the number of players.

    I believe the following are CRITICALLY REQUIRED fixes, and ALL ELSE can WAIT until these are fixed:

    1. Serious optimization is required.

    I am running a server now and I notice when anyone puts a "star destroyer by ixis" blueprint too close to a planet, the cpu maxes out (2 cores) to 100% and everyone's pings skyrocket to 5000. This is seriously unacceptable.

    1a. Also please see what can be done to lower RAM usage. Minecraft should NOT be used as a basis of comparison. E.g. 24GB of ram on a server is NOT normal. 4GB is a more realistic for say 16 players.

    2) I notice my server crashes a lot, basically it would appear 99% of the time due to Java running out of memory. I am a Java programmer so I know the ins and outs to give it everything. Please optimize memory usage further. I will add more ram too (no need to alert me to this).

    3. As a player, if you cannot connect to a server because it's down. Allow the user to go back to the connect screen so they can pick another server. Having to restart the StarMade launcher is plainly annoying.

    4. Same goes for if the client crashes, the retry button while interesting never works (keep it there anyway in case it actually does one day), but also. Please add a button "Go back to launcher screen" or something so we can choose to reconnect to the server or another server. Having to close and restart StarMade is annoying (as above).

    5. Due to points 1 and 2, I am very close to disabling catalog uploads to stop people importing "Death Stars" and the like and punishing every other player when they get too close to a big object or ram something etc. Please introduce a variable in server.cfg called MAX_CATALOG_IMPORT_BLOCKS_ALLOWED = 50000, so the biggest ship one can be allowed to import is say 50000 blocks. etc etc. This will workaround optimization problems or at least make 5000 pings less frequent

    6. Not sure how you can do this, but consider giving every player "equal share" of the CPU when its being gobbled up, not all of it to the annoying prick with his Star Destroyer ramming planets punishing every other player. This may be wishful thinking. But if its possible please consider a "CAP" on individual threads so everyone doesn't suffer because of one day. This happens constantly.

    Star made is already GREAT as is, love the new features being added but the above being fixed should be a priority as the constant crashing annoys the hell out of everyone I think we can all agree we'd rather have a stable more optimized game with delayed features rather than new features and constant crashing.

    Thanks for reading!
    Jul 4, 2013
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    • Purchased!
    • Legacy Citizen
    Yes, all these things should be up near the top of the list to get fixed. ALL OF THEM. With proper optimization, I don\'t think we\'d have to wait for thirty seconds for /half/ of a giant structure to load properly. [Perhaps they can start loading from further away, rather than waiting for when you\'re like a sector or so away from them?]

    However, you must keep in mind that new problems will arise whenever new content is introduced. Though getting the number of problems down NOW to a minimum will help lessen the impact of future issues, sometimes the desire to show off more \"cool new toys\" outweighs the need--at least in some minds--as to \"fixing the old stuff properly\". ~Cough~

    In my opinion, it would be awesome if this game became far more powerful than Minecraft--in such terms that the block generation not only became somewhat seemless, but also transitions faster, and sooner, without potential issues. From what I can tell, this game uses its own engine within Java--or is that \"SCHINE ENGINE\" logo a misnomer to the uninformed?