First ships. Sevas Tra (Frigate) and Hatshepsut (Luxury Transport)

    Jun 24, 2013
    Reaction score
    This took me far too long to create than i'd like to admit, mostly because I didn't know about admin commands until I only had 20 black wedges left to place, so I spent alot of time scouring the shops for wedges :p
    Screenshots taken after a little bit of battle damage. I thought i'd spawn a new one for the sake of this thread, but then i thought, no. This ship has been through hard times, it's part of what it is. "Rogue-like" ship building ;)


    The Frigate Sevas Tra, sporting a hefty shield battery for it's slim size and enough thrust to get out of dodge rapidly. Three main-body turrets and one rear turret pack a nice punch, but half their size is made up of additional shields. It started out as a salvager, and can cut through anything very rapidly.

    Front shot

    Rear shot

    Entrance below the cockpit

    Cockpit view (tons of shields behind glass, i know lol)

    View when we turn around to look down the hallway, a yellow color-coded airlock seperates the cockpit from the power core, and the power core from the engine section.

    Power core, inspired by aliens.

    One of the airlocks, windows in the floor and sides, one of the engine pods visible outside.

    Engine room, you can go into either of the two engines, and go above or below the engine thruster modules on narrow walkways.

    Crouching under the engine modules, making RP repairs ;P


    Here is the Hatshepsut Luxury Transport. Why did i name it Hatshepsut? Well, it was originally supposed to be something completely different (to be followed, probably my next project). It's a big ugly son of a gun, but it's got plenty of room inside. No modules except for thrusters and power.

    Side view

    Rear view of the engines

    Front view, entrance door

    The view we're greeted with when stepping through the door, the central floor looking down towards the main engine maintenance section.

    The view towards the main cockpit entrance. Blue lights indicate gravity panels and shafts with doors up or down!

    The view of the lower level towards the minor engine section.

    The view towards the lower level cockpit, again color-coded blue lights for grav panels and shafts.

    I liked this pillar, started out as a structural skeleton.

    The very top "VIP" floor.

    Top floor view towards the auxillary access to the main engine section.

    Close up of the main engine maintenance room.

    Close up of the minor engine room.

    Looking up through all the floors.

    Looking down to the central cockpit.

    Looking down through all the floors.

    Hope you enjoyed :)
    Edit: seems this forum doesn't understand