Fins and wings

    May 31, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    Think blocks, just thin. Like fences in Minecraft. Perfect for fighter craft, or just an extra bit of visual flair. Sh8tty MS Paint diagram:

    May 11, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    I was hoping for something like this to come up, +1 to this.
    Jan 1, 2013
    Reaction score
    Schema has said that additional 3d decorative blocks like this are easily handled by his engine, and they will likely be added later on (like furniture?) either by dev, or by users themselves, not sure there
    Jan 26, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    I understand the need for making things look better or adding chairs that an entity could actually sit in. Honestly, I would like it so that when I am playing with friends, that they can climb into my spacecraft and sit somewhere without being able to affect my ship. Currently, if I want them from point A to point B, without waiting on them to create their own ships... they have to get into my ship and get in build mode.

    Back to the topic at hand. Fins, wings and other aesthetics, are just that... There\'s no air-resistance in space, so fins, wings and other devices made to move an object around tighter corners is pointless as it\'s air that causes this resistance. Literally, you could be a floating rock in space and it would move just as quickly as something aerodynamic. It would be purely for looks or as you said, flair. Either of which, isn\'t necessary in the beginning mechanics of the game.

    Perhaps, if there were more realistic atmospheres on the planets or air resistance there, I could follow your point. As landing from space to Earth, you would need an aerodynamic space/aircraft. But, the only thing that planets currently have are gravity. Think of the moon. The mass of the planet is large enough for an object to float towards it, however there is still no air.

    And while I can see this down the future... currently, I feel that this should be closer to a last on the list sort of thing, unless however there becomes a need for such triffleries. :P
    Dec 30, 2012
    Reaction score
    • Legacy Citizen 4
    You are right about those parts being useless in space, but think there are also planets with athmosphere :D Also, ships are normally big enough to use full blocks as fins and wings, who flies stuff that is 5 blocks big, except for looking at stuff near spawn ?

    Even so, I\'d prefer a thin square fin to use like as a PC monitor, placing it on the new decorative block.