Feedback: Cloak and RadarJammer

    Dec 17, 2013
    Reaction score
    So I wanted to give some feedback and suggestions to the current PvP situations involving cloaked ships using radar jammers + turrets.

    The system automatically uncloaks ships that fire with their weapons from what I have seen so far.

    Yet cloaked ships with turrets can shoot at will without any reprocutions to their cloak?

    This has allowed a single player to constantly attack my faction homebase and kill multiple people too many times to count. So how do we combat this? We tried to get 5 of us in large ships to combat him yet could only land a few hits, even our incredibly large ship had the annoying cloaker sat behind shooting, and couldn't shake him all the way back the home base....

    It seems a bit odd that a simple cloaked ship can do so much damage? Especially to a large group of people that are actively trying to destroy him.

    Suggestion: Uncloak the ships when their turrets engage a target.

    This will maintain a ships ability to do stealth op's and move behind defences, yet not allow it to fly around a target in circles unable to be shot by turrets.

    This isn't an issue with smaller cloaked ships as we can see when they shoot and thus shoot back in the direction where the bullets come from. Yet the ships I have seen can outgun ships 4 times their size due to the ability to sue turrets, yet not be shot by turrets themselves!

    ===== ===== =====

    I understand many of you will have ways of combating these issues, so any help would be appreciated as our group have started to dislike the game each time this happens to us.

    ~ James
    May 25, 2013
    Reaction score
    It seems to me that 5 capships should have an easy time covering each other\'s blind spots , shifting their formation by translating without having to worry about their slow turning speed. Perhaps there was a breakdown in communication that allowed blind spots to remain.

    I\'m not surprised that people underestimate the threat of stealth ships , as those are invariably more optimized than decorated hulled ships. What matters is how much of the mass is spent on active modules.

    Anyway , stealth ships with significant firepower need to dedicate a lot of their mass to power generation , especially for the purpose of firing cloaked. Normally , the lack of active cloak in combat frees a large supply of energy to antimatter arrays , but turret permacloakers need to reserve an extra instead. So , there\'s a hard limit to dps available while cloaked.

    When you\'re relying on capship turrets to deal with harassers , the best solution is to sweep the cloaker\'s position with powerdrains - even a fairly small group will most likely break the target\'s cloak and jammer , allowing turrets to lock on. It will be fully effective due to power wires being at least partly exposed. Be sure to check your navigation window to keep track of the cloaker\'s range , and hopefully deduce his location from moving around.

    Try a variety of tactics before submitting feedback , so that the metagame has time to settle before changes are made. (Disclaimer : as with most other game mechanics , cloaking is obviously broken in starmade , and cannot offer meaningful pvp as-is)
    Dec 17, 2013
    Reaction score
    The idea of powerdrains never occured to me (complete newb)!

    I guess we were outplayed, we did try to cover one another but it was usually only two of us undocked, he was powerful enough to drain our sheilds in a short time and often didnt give us the time to cover eachother well enough, we did hit him often and even forced him to retreat, yet he came back with one that was bigger better and stronger :L
    Dec 28, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Legacy Citizen
    It still seems a bit ridiculous that shooting your main weapons disengages the cloak while shooting with turrets does not.


    Dec 31, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Wired for Logic
    • Thinking Positive
    • Legacy Citizen 5

    Please do not nerf it to hell with other changes.