I would like something to replace the faction module. The Lock Module. Basically you can have several settings: Enter Personal Signiture, Enter Faction Signiture, Reset Signiture. This is something small but i would love it. Say your the leader of a huge and popular faction on a popular server, you have almost 100 members and a huge home base. Now imagine you build a battleship. It has powerful weapons and all that. Now would you want some random person in that faction to come and fly your ship away. I know what your thinking, ``just rebuy in from the catatlog``. Well, what if catalogs are disabled on this server? I think having both settings on (so you can dock to faction home base), you wouldn't worry about a traitor taking your ship and destroying it. Along with this should come something where, when the Personal lock is On the docking module can't be taken. That way your faction members can't destroy it and push your ship to its destruction.