Faster lock on missiles and missile choices

    Jun 29, 2013
    Reaction score
    This is referring to lock on time as well as missile speed.

    1. It takes too long to lock missiles on a target. If the target has turrets and you accidentaly mouse over close to a turret, it throws the whole thing off. I think half the time to lock on is even a little slow.

    2. The missiles are too slow. There isn't really a good reason why missiles would normally go slower than the max speed of a ship. I'm not sure if it is possible to build a missile launcher big enough to allow them to go as fast as the max speed of 50. It would be a little more realistic if they went twice as fast. Maybe you can increase the recharge time. This latest update has in effect weakened their damage already.

    Another suggestion is to differentiate the 3 types of missiles a little more. Maybe the dumb missiles can do more damage, the heat seeking ones can do just as much damage, but go faster, and the lock on can go fastest with the least damage. This will actually make it a choice as to which missiles to buy. Currently the lock on missiles are clearly superior. The dumbfire ones can't hit anything, the heat seeking ones go after your own allies and sometimes yourself. The lock on missiles can lock on as well as dumb fire.

    Currently there is just no point in buying any other missiles besides the lock on missiles, because the other 2 offer no advantages.


    Chronic Troublemaker
    Jun 23, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 4
    • Thinking Positive
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    I\'d rather have the dumb firing missiles do a crazy radius but still be slow as ever, with heat seaking/lock on with mirror stats. Because after the heat seaking is fixed, it will only go towards non-faction ships. So it will be mostly a matter of choice, do you want blindfire missiles that may go to any target or a lock on that goes towards the one you want?

    As to the lock on, the targeting system needs to be reworked instead, so it locks on only to the targeted ship.

    Remember though, this is alpha. Most of these things will be changed, and we are only testers.
    Jul 31, 2013
    Reaction score
    Missiles should be fast. I think it\'d be fair if by default, missiles move at server speed + 25, so they can be outrun for just a little bit. Then allow missiles to be targeted by auto-turrets, so they can be shot down and give big ships some of defense from them.

    Then allow missile arrays to have a multiple-block output (i.e. a 4x4 turret barrel vs. a 1x1 barrel) that trades missile speed in order to increase missile size+armor+health, damage, and blast radius. Also have missiles do damage to shields, change to lock-on to go much faster, and add flares. Then, players can have either lower-damage, anti-fighter missiles that move fairly fast and are hard to shoot down, or giant anti-capship torpedos that move slow, are susceptible to AA fire at long range, but have incredible blast radius+damage.
    Jun 29, 2013
    Reaction score
    I like the idea of dumbfire missiles having a bigger radius also. What would be really cool is if they explode at the end of their run even if they don\'t hit anything.

    I didn\'t know heat seaking missiles were going to be fixed to only target non faction ships. I was thinking tradeoff with that one, since it might come back and bite you.

    I think we should try to find ideas to improve the game without making things too complicated, but it would be cool to have turrets shoot incoming missiles.