Fast Travel - 2 Systems Combined

    Apr 28, 2013
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    Fast Travel systems-

    There are 2 systems that I am seeing on the forums. First is the "Hyper-Realm" from Post. The second is FTL Jump Drives from Post.

    These 2 systems bring 2 very different ways of travel. Both with there own benifits to different ships.

    I have been talking in the Public Chat with a few of you. I have asked about what would work and make sure that any ideas we all had were balanced.

    So I had some thoughts. What if the 2 systems were both implemented? How would that affect the game?

    You have the "Hyper-Realm" for smaller ships to get around quickly. This could also allow for scouting. Then have the larger ships use Jumps.

    Check out the original posts. I would like people to shoot holes in the idea. Find out what was forgotten. But keep in mind. We are only talking about possibilities. Nothing is for sure.

    I created what i thought of as a simple way to implement warps. Your feedback on this is welcome. If you have other ideas to how this can work let me know. I am looking for changes and or additions to the flow outlined.

    See Image:
    Jan 22, 2013
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    I think Warp Drives are best.
    For one, it is an actual scientific possibility. It would also be nice to have to design in two shiny new PERFECTLY SYMETRICAL Warp Nacelles. It can work on smaller ship because in Star Trek even some shuttle craft have war p engines. Larger craft can have the benifit of high warp speeds. Highest possible being warp 9.995. Sorry guys... no warp 10 unless you want to turn into a lizard ( and yes i am a Star Trek fan).
    Jan 1, 2013
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    sadly a standard warp style system wouldnt work well, the game used to have unlimited speed, and it runs into issues between entity load times (like planets) and collisions.

    your flying along, space looks empty, until a planet loads in, right around you.

    there is a finite limit to what schema can do to avoid this, so the community has been push in the direction of teleport type drives or alternate (and empty) space-type drives

    theres also the gate/wormhole concepts floating around
    Apr 3, 2013
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    I, personally, don\'t want to see small ships with their own dedicated FTL. And if they do have their own FTL it should be because their creator is som kind of wizard and found a way to minmax his power enough to fit a jump engine. I\'d like to see small ships rely on big ships or jump gates to move around. As such I stand by the notion of using Bab5\'s hyperspace. Since I feel it adds the most gameplay to the game, since jump drives just let you skip around and really don\'t add any gameplay. And the hyperrealm really doesn\'t add any gameplay either other than demon mobs. A form of FTL that both allows players to quickly move around, but also adds many new gameplay options is the best choice in my book.
    Mar 30, 2013
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    My opinion on the hyper realm idea is a flat no.

    For FTL i support the ideas which propose a \'gate\' system, or a ship mounted module/array of modules with appropriate cool downs, rare fuel consumption, and power needs.

    For ship FTL modules i prefer travel time over instant \'jump modules\'.

    I think the idea of small ships having FTL capability on their own, without the help of a larger ship or gate, is not a good idea in the way that it discourages non-ftl travel.

    I would want a system where you have to scout a location out at normal speeds before going there via a faster form of travel.

    Another form of FTL i would put my lot in with is Colt\'s Babylon Five type system.

    MindSpark: I think an FTL system similar to warp drive would function within the game, but having to be perfectly symmetrical would be an unnecessary restriction, and forcing people to build warp nacelles onto their ships would be a bit arbitrary for a ship designing requirement. (Also going warp ten did not directly turn people into lizards. Though you say you like star trek, it makes it sound like you watched it from another room and only glanced occasionally)
    Jan 22, 2013
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    This, I can see, is one of the most argued topic on the forums. I personally would like to have a use for the nacelles im putting on my NX enterprise replica and would also like to tell my ensign at the helm to persue that warbird at maximium warp. But for gameplays sake i think there needs to some sort of heavy levy of sorts on FTL travel. Be it warp nacelles (would add a need to actualy DESIGN your ship) a multi block reactor or just huge energy or credit costs. And Present_containing i havent watched much of voyager yet going to finish enterprise then watch it. I know its not Warp 10 not directly causing the \"lizardification\" but the Warp 10 putting us into a state of accelerated evoloution or something. From what i can see your a fan too. So what is your favourite tv series? TNG TOS Voyager Deep Space 9 or Enterprise
    Apr 28, 2013
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    fuel is an important topic. I think that the fuel for jump/warp drives should be ICE crystals!

    Mar 30, 2013
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    Fuel for jumping should be rare, but not so rare that it is never found. Ice crystals would be a good example, or purple planet material, something exotic.

    However if we go with an FTL method with travel time it would need to be more of a fuel/time factor.

    So for instance, i might be able to jump a light year in a jump based system with 500 crystals, or enter FTL travel for ten minutes per 300 ice crystals in a travel based system with the fuel being used over time in the latter and instantly in the former.