Factory questions, (possible WIKI information)

    Oct 8, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen
    Hello, im quite new with starmade and have taken an interest in the Factory and factory enhancment blocks and was wondering about a couple of things.

    1. How do you get tthe factory blocks powered on a planet? or can you use them on a planet at all?
    2. Can you make ship parts such as thrusters and power units and plex doors ETC using factories?
    3. Would anyone be willing to give an example on how to set up a simple factory and what blocks are absolutly needed in order for them to work?

    I belive this information is needed to help players explore the possibly most difficult aspect of starmade, and also gather information about factorys for the wiki so this kind of question doesnt get repeated.

    Thank you all very much,

    Doc Stine®
    Jul 3, 2013
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    1. Yes, you\'ll need to place the power generators and batteries on your own. Remember that factories using more than 20,000 power NEED power storage or they won\'t work.

    2. Yes, as long as you have the recipe and the necessary ingredients (And power) it will work.

    3. Well, I don\'t have visual instructions right now but.

    - Obtain a recipe. You can obtain a recipe from a shop by clicking \"Buy Recipe\" on the entry for that block in the shop menu. You need a certain amount of that block depending on the server. (Default is 5,000).

    - Design a power generation and power storage system. Can be as simple as a bunch of long lines of power blocks with a giant block of battery blocks.

    - Place a factory module on your planet/station. (Factories cannot be build on asteroids/ships.

    - Place a recipe in the TOP-LEFT CORNER of the factory\'s storage. It will not work otherwise.

    - Place the ingredients anywhere else. You can see what ingredients you\'ll need by r-clicking the recipe. Your factory should start producing items if you\'ve done everything here.

    Other info:

    Factory input enhancers make your factories produce more items per cycle (which is around 5 seconds). At the cost of using more ingredients and power. If you have 1 factory and 9 enhancers you\'ll get 10 blocks per cycle. If you don\'t have enough ingredients/power to produce the full amount of items it won\'t produce anything at all.

    Factories WILL NOT PRODUCE ANYTHING unless someone is in or near the sector (Time stops in unloaded sectors).

    Factories NEED power STORAGE if it uses more than 20,000 storage that the core provides.

    You can connect factories together like other blocks. Press C on the main factory A and point at factory B and press V to connect them. Factory A will take items from factory B, but not the other way. You can connect as many factories as you want.

    Buying recipes for manufacturing items like SD Expanders needs other blocks instead.
    Aug 23, 2013
    Reaction score

    Some extra information (War Dog\'s reply is very good, so read that first).

    All factories to are sychronised and do their thing at exactly the same time every 5 seconds. What this means is that power tanks are very important for medium/large factories. For example, every 5 seconds all of your factorories might consume a total of 1 million power in an instant, and then you\'ve got 5 seconds to regenerate the power to fill the tanks back up (so you\'d only need 200000 e/sec power regeneration in this case).

    For manufacturing; it\'s best to split all blocks into 5 categories:

    1) Natural blocks (rock, sand, grass, etc). The ingredients for recipies that create natural blocks are alwaysother natural blocks.

    2) Minerals (awesomite, oxogen, etc). The ingredients for recipies that create minerals are always natural blocks

    3) Chemicals (paints and protiens). The ingedients for recipes that create chemicals are always natural blocks.

    4) Electronics (processors, memory modules and expanders). The ingredients for these recipes are always minerals.

    5) Other (thrusters, power generators, shield, hulls, etc). The ingredients for these recipes could be anything in the other categories.

    As you can see, the most important type of blocks are the natural blocks. If you have a factories that produce natural blocks, then those natural blocks can be used by other factories to produce everything else.

    The recipes you buy have random ingredients, and some recipes are good and some are bad. To create a good factory you need good recipes. A good recipe is one that only uses one ingredient (and hopefully a low number of that ingredient) - any recipe that has more than one ingredient should be sold back to the shop (possibly after using it to create enough blocks to buy a different recipe).

    Because recipes for natural blocks use other natural blocks as ingredients (and because they\'re the most important type of block); when you start building a factory you want to focus on natural blocks. The goal is to find pairs of good recipes for some of these natural blocks. For example, you might get a recipe for rock that uses 2 sand blocks as ingredients and a recipe for sand that uses 4 rock blocks as ingredients. When you get a pair of good recipes like this you want to set them up as a feed-back loop, so that (after the recipes have levelled up) you produce an infinite number of both types of blocks.

    To get pairs of good recipes you keep buying recipes for different types of blocks (I tend to focus on common/cheap blocks like sand, lava, ice and rock) while discarding bad recipes and storing the good recipes until you find a matching pair.

    Once you\'ve got several of these infinite item generators (e.g. generating 10 or more different types of natural blocks for free) you can start building your secondary factories that use your free natural blocks as ingredients. These secondary factories would produce the remaining natural blocks, minerals and chemicals.

    Finally you can start the third layer of factories - the ones that use everything else to produce thrusters, shields, etc.

    Note 1: For minerals; currently you can go to a shop and buy an L5 mineral, then coarse it to get 10000 L4 minerals, then use those L4 minerals to get 2 recipes for that L4 mineral. With a little luck you can use natural blocks from your \"infinite natural block generators\" as ingredients for a recipe to create L4 minerals. After a while your factories will produce enough L4 minerals to refine and buy a recipe for L5 minerals (which will hopefully also use natural blocks from your \"infinite natural block generators\" as ingredients). In this way (after enough work and \"trial and error\") eventually you end up with a factory that produces infinite L5 minerals from nothing.

    Note 2: Currently when you first start creating a factory the absurd recipe costs are extremely frustrating. For example, to get 5000 mini cactus blocks you need to demolish about 10 entire desert planets (and you may need to buy about 50 recipes before you get a good one). Alternatively you can buy them from shops - each shop might have 100 mini cactus in stock, so you might only need to visit 50 shops to get enough for one recipe. Of course this is purely idiotic. To get around the sheer stupidity I recommend exploiting the blueprint system. Basically; create a \"ship\" with 1 ship\'s core and as many mini cactus blocks as you\'ve got and save it in the catalogue, then pull it apart and buy a copy of your \"ship\" (and add the original mini cactus blocks to it and save it again and pull it apart). This is the only sane way to get enough blocks for your first recipe/s. Of course this works for most types of blocks (not just mini cactus) but does not work for some block types that can\'t be placed on ships - factory inputs, factory enhancers, undeathinators, shop modules, etc. My recomendation is to buy as many blocks that can\'t be placed on ships as possible at every shop you visit until you get enough for recipe/s.

    Note 3: It takes about 1 week of work to get a factory that produces an infinite number of all blocks in the game from nothing. You can use a shop module and set all prices to \"1 credit\" and use your infiinite/free items to restock your shop. By building a large factory with a \"free shop\" close to a server\'s spawn point, you can destroy the economy for the entire server (make credits worthless). Once you\'ve destroyed the universe\'s economy you officially win the game (building space ships and bothering with pirates is for losers).
    Oct 8, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Legacy Citizen
    Quote: \"Once you\'ve destroyed the universe\'s economy you officially win the game (building space ships and bothering with pirates is for losers). End quote.

    >XD thank you guys for all the information. this is indeed a great thing to have on factorys because it helps to know what your doing instead of just flying around nutzo and stuff shooting everything you see(which is fun in a 20000+ block Super destroyer)
    Aug 2, 2013
    Reaction score
    nice job to the two explanations, but I have a bit more to add...

    --I don\'t think the categories for different blocks and recipes above are entirely accurate as I have found natural item recipes that require minerals.

    --If you want to be like qweesdy and make all the blocks in the game then his method is very good. Especially the part about making the infinite block generators in pairs.

    I would do it a bit differently at first, if the purpose is to get a lot of useful stuff quickly it should only take a few hours if you have a plan:

    Buy/make a basic salvager and mine ice crystals and hull etc to get starting cash. You can make money other ways, but you probably will want salvaging capability at some point. You will also need a build block to make factories more easily and check their performance.

    figure out the end product blocks that you really want in large quantities and purchase them from shops. Hull, engines, power, power tanks, weapons, etc. If you prioritize getting the blocks you need for a powerful factory (power tanks, power, and factory enhancers), then you can very quickly level up your recipes, meaning that more blocks are produced per cycle as you run the factory more. Also, it is good to figure what the basic abundant materials that you can salvage/buy then cubatom to make ship components in case there are not enough in the shop to get your recipes quickly by flying around(for instance, octogen and red rock will cubatom power and power tanks)

    once you get enough buy the recipe and see what that needs

    if the recipe is complex sell it back and get another (one item recipes are not common for most ship components btw so you can waste a lot of time and items trying to find them, and after leveling a recipe it will not matter much anyway). A key to this is to find recipes that require very abundant blocks such as minerals or rock, or require manufacturing components that require very abundant block for buying the recipe. (say if it requires a mini cactus to buy a protein recipe, that is not good compared to a protein that requires metate since you can easily get enough metate to buy a ton of recipes and find the best ones.)

    Buy recipes for the ingredients to your recipes until all ingredients are abundant blocks. A non-exploiting way to get the rarer block recipes is to use the cubatom system with more common blocks. (versus catalog harvesting)

    Without creating the feedback loop to make infinite basic materials, the best recipes ultimately require minerals at the basis of the chain (this applies to obtaining blocks for cubatom also.) Then you can just buy higher level minerals at the shop (or fly around a little til you find a shop that stocks them) and the recipe to coarsen that mineral. The coarsen recipes act the same way as normal recipes except they do not level, and they cost cash.

    In terms of factory set up, i would put down a build block, factory input with ingredients and recipe, and all my power tanks and power. Then put down all input enhancers in several big blocks. These take a lot of power so I would Shift+v them all at first to the input and then deselect until the factory actually starts to work for the amount of power you have. Then, as your factory makes more power tanks and power and enhancers, add those in big blocks to your base until you are happy at how quickly the factory produces. You can monitor the power consumption by entering the build block. While all that is going on, you can get your other recipes and then use your super factory to level up each one. It is good to level recipes up individually at first to eliminate bottlenecks later if you want to make everything at the same time, since multiple recipes might need the same ingredient.

    I hope that helps and is not too confusing.