Factions - What are they?

    Sep 4, 2013
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    This thread, I will try to start to help the newbies to orientate themselves when this game is released on steam (Or already is :p)

    In Starmade, factions could be defined as:

    A) A group of individuals
    B) With common interest and goals (Having fun being the most common)
    C) Who came together
    D) Do accomplish those goals

    Within Starmade, there are many factions, some Halo themed, some EVE themed, some Star Trek themed, while some are generic and there are many more in multi-player servers who do not have a presence on the forum.

    You may be like: "Why faction? I am stronk, can lone wolf 10/10!" - Mortiferum first starting starmade before dying within 20 minute of login

    Well, of course, you may, but in a multi-player environment, factions are essential to share the load and spread some of the tedious jobs out (IE: Mining Asteroids) while being able to enjoy the game as a multi-player with other members. Team work in this game is essential, as an individual is quite weak, but a group can compensate for the faults of our selves and others.

    - How to get into factions

    You may be like "But how can I join these factions? And who to choose?". Well, for starters, each faction have their unique requirements. However, as a general observation, these are popular things included in an application.

    IGN (In-game name) is a compulsory requirement for pretty much all factions since adding you to the group is impossible without knowing what you are called in-game. (I can be called pineapples in game if I desire, lol)

    Ships built previously, this is a requirement for some factions and it helps to determine if you are an experienced player or not. Most faction simply wants to see what you can contribute before accepting you and dont fret, most factions do not have a ridiculously high bar that you imagine they have. Factions are more concerned about your efforts rather than sheer skills, since we all start new.

    Previous factions, this is also a requirement for some factions. This can determine if you can or cannot join a faction. Obviously, if you are in a faction at war with another, your application will be rejected for said reason. While being in another faction could be prestigious and you will be welcomed, IE: Builder's unions.

    Not as common are teamspeak 3 requirements. Dependent on the faction, the requirement may differ. IE: Some faction require a microphone regardless, while some simply require you to log onto TS-3 without speaking. Some factions may also be a step in between, barring promotions if you do not have a microphone due to the needs to communicate.

    Reasons for joining..... Yeah, this one is self explanatory. Why do you wish to join the faction? The faction leader wants to know so they can help you find a role you enjoy. Eg: I like to blow things up. Chances are, you will be assigned a combat role afterwards rather than a mining one which you don't like.


    As general tip

    • Ships are valuable. Do not waste them on suicidal errands unless told to. Otherwise your leader may not be happy
    • When taking material from a faction resource pool, right click to take what you need and not everything.
    • Big docks are for big ships, small docks are for small ships. Do not dock your fighter inside a Dreadnought dock. It makes you look stupid :p
    • Remember this is a game. Win with honor and lose with dignity, do not flame, rage or otherwise insult other members for killing you. You are better off making friends than making the person who killed you even MORE inclined to kill you.
    • Have fun, if you dont, then it defeats the point of a GAME

    Tips from Warsong

    1 - Don't talk about faction stuff (especially privileged info) in public places like SMD (Star made dock, AKA this forum). People will see it, remember it and will use it.

    - Remember NOTHING is truly gone on the internet, you do not want to put yourself between a rock and a hard place.

    2 - Stay away from the areas in your base that have build or faction blocks. Getting caught near those could get you in trouble.

    - This point is crucial, currently, Starmade griefers often "De-faction" a home base or spam build block delete button to destroy other's work. An officer catching you near it could mean an immediate kick from faction and asked for an explanation.


    Will add more as I think of more :p
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    Cmdr Deathmark
    May 29, 2013
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    Many servers and factions may use other VoIP software. Some folks just starting out might use Skype or Hangouts at first then move up to TeamSpeak, Ventrillo or Mumble. There are others as well. So be prepared for the learning curve involved.

    Two tips:
    1 - Don't talk about faction stuff (especially privileged info) in public places like SMD. People will see it, remember it and will use it.
    2 - Stay away from the areas in your base that have build or faction blocks. Getting caught near those could get you in trouble.
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    Convicted Lancake Abuser
    Apr 14, 2013
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    Pulling out your laser pistol and pointing it at your leader's astronaut is probably a good way to get kicked from a faction.

    Deleted member 301635

    I'd say this should be sticky.
    There should also be a 'things to consider before making a faction' thread, like there was on the old site, but I don't know enough to do it.