Faction The Aethi Imperium Application

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    May 3, 2014
    Reaction score
    Username (ingame): Dandalejr88

    Requested Position(s):ENGINEER

    Why I want to join: I would like to join (The Aethi Imperium) because I think I could really help you or your faction out and I've been rejected many of times on other servers and I saw you only had three members in your faction so I though i could have the opportunity to join.

    Short information about me (Sci-Fi series or movies you enjoy, previous games played, etc.): Hello my name is Ty Exon I am a 14 Year old male that loves to build I like games with building action and adventure. My mind and skills have advance past the few years I've started playing games on the Pc device and I think I can really help you guys with many things my skills are mostly building comes after that is fighting I have loyalty to my faction or my clan and accept any consequences that I may recive like it or not anyway to warp it all up my WBM is 57 and I mostly active I do have a social life as well anyway thanks for reading this and have a wonderful day.

    ~Regard Dandaeljr88


    Nov 14, 2013
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    Hm, well, first of all, you applied wrong. At the bottom of a thread page, there's a blank where you can reply, that looks like this:

    ...Which is supposed to be where you write your application. Within the faction thread, in a post. Not as a new thread.

    Second of all, as to the actual application, if you want to be accepted as an engineer we'll have to see examples of your work first; the Aethi Imperium has certain standards for engineers/builders that must be met.
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