Faction Permission Blocks


    Jan 10, 2015
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    So: when I saw this update I was like YEAH! FINALLY! but then when I read it I was slightly disappointed.
    This is my idea:
    • Ability to set doors so that only certain ranks in the faction can open them (e.g. create a restricted area)
    • Ability to set the faction permission blocks so that they can only be set by: friendly or neutral/specific factions.
    (As well as this the ability to add and take away ranks and create equal ranks [like one person is in the military side and one is in the trade but they have equl rank in a faction] and stuff but this might not be suitable for this thread)
    Jan 19, 2015
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    I agree with this idea.
    [DOUBLEPOST=1452938253,1452938180][/DOUBLEPOST]Also limit/set ranks on teleporters


    Gone but not forgotten
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    I agree with this suggestion, although I would like to see one more thing with it: The ability to use C + V with the permission modules, (C on the module, and V on what you want to set for the blocks permissioned) Currently the only block permissioned is the one adjacent to the permission module. meaning only that block is usable. making it able to use the C + V system would allow the entire door, or just the buttons controlling the door usable for the set rank or ranks.


    Press F to pay respects
    Feb 17, 2015
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    cant you set the general structure so only certain members can use it, then set permission modules in select places so the other players in your faction can use specific sections?

    The other way around doesn't make much sense/can be worked around by lower faction members. This way promotes security.
    Feb 22, 2015
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    The lack C/V linking for permissions is an in depth technical limitation. If this happens, it will not happen any time soon and it will take a considerable rewrite to do it.

    Agreed, and we did discuss the possibility of adding it, however hit the data flow roadblock that would require a bunch of going and changing how existing systems work to make it viable. It's a similar data flow issue that is also one of the roadblocks preventing logic gates being able to control gravity modules. The current system was optimized in the manner it is to allow for minimal network bandwidth usage especially as it applies to large logic systems at the moment (which still takes a while for massive logic systems to all load up and calculate the connections). So it's bigger than just a simple change, hence why it's still the way it is.
    It's not ruled out, tho.