*sigh* I guess I'll have to break it down for you:Arguing for "realism" is absolutely ridiculous in this kind of setting. I agree that scanners should be a bit more specific with /which/ planet plate has the faction module, but having it pinpoint the location is pretty cheese.
Also you presented two arguments (one of which argued for realism in a video game that is anything BUT realistic) . I responded to one with an image. I've never seen anyone so assblasted from a reaction image before.
Argument #1: "I don't think it's worth it with the loss of realism/immersion" -> This game isn't realistic, that doesn't mean we can go "fuck logic, let's just have everything happen without reason and not change whatever's wrong with the game, because some of our users grew accustomed to this exploitable block". I don't know anyone who doesn't want his game to be ruled by the laws of logic as good as it can. And no, that you won't be able to use a military strategy some people consider an exploit is not a valid reason.
Argument #2: "I'm not sure I want a game which military strategy consists on a single person with the minimum amount of credits effectively DESTROYING half of your planet" -> Another reason you completely disregarded. This system allows for this exploit, that's why it's not good enough. I might aswell go on a fresh new server, mine for 10 minutes, get a ton of faction modules and claim every single planet I see floating around, what a nice "military strategy", eh?
Argument #3: "If there has to be a piece of technology that could make the whole thing unclaimable, there should be a way to (with enough time) remove it/detect it." -> Another argument you disregarded. Destruction of your own planet is NOT a valid way of removing a faction block any kid can hide. And I highly doubt that this was schema's intention.
Argument #4: "how annoying it is to forget where your faction module is" -> Self explanatory.
Now these are only the arguments I put IN A SINGLE POST, most of them unanswered by you. So far your only argumentation has been "but I use it as a strategy