Faction Bug

    Sep 29, 2013
    Reaction score
    Mmk, so, I'm not at all sure what happened. But here's the story.

    I was wandering aimlessly in a frigate, searching for a pirate station. Eventually, I found one not too far from my base, so I decided to take it on; no problem at all. After I looted, I went off in search of another one. I found it, and got about halfway destroying the turrets when I experienced spontaneous death. It's not the first time it's happened, but I didn't know the EXACT coordinates of where I died, so when I respawned, grabbed my Battleship (it was the smallest ship that was available that was ACTUALLY for combat). I eventually find the station and my ship after about 20 minutes...and then bam, my ship was covered in red triangles. My first instinct was "WHOA, I didn't know pirates could take over a ship!"

    I immediately started to panick when the main turret on my frigate started firing at my ship. I eventually destroyed the turret, and set to work on destroying the core while trying to avoid damaging the ship; it WAS my frigate, of course. However, the instant I went into the core and stopped it from overheating and then came out...my battleship fired on me and instantly killed me.

    I have no idea why that happened.

    Then, it gets worse. I spawn back at my base, and buy a little Pirate Raider ship I designed; nothing fancy, just a little rectangle with some shields, thrusters, power, the works.

    And when I spawned it...it had a red diamond on it as well, as if it were an enemy. I go in it, thinking that maybe coming in and out of the ship will make it mine, and then my mothership annihilated me.

    Now, my faction is NOT on "Treat Neutral as Enemies", so I have no idea why this is happening. And now every ship/ship core that I spawn is automatically treated as an enemy for some reason, so the minute I enter and then exit, my turrets target me; they never target the ship while I'm in it.

    I don't know what to do at this point. Help?
    Sep 29, 2013
    Reaction score
    Okay, so turns out the bug was that my faction switched to Treat Neutral as Enemies on its own. The faction leader had to log in and switch it (he had been gone all weekend). Any idea why this happened all of a sudden?
    Jun 19, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    • Purchased!
    neutral is classed as a faction so if they attack one of your faction ships/spacestations and you have hostile action set to enemy it turns neutral to enemy thats why