Faction, AI, and sensory improvements

    Aug 7, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    Alright so currently faction interaction is rather weak and poorly developed you can choice to become allies with a faction e neutral or declare war.

    The first improvement I would like to see is the option for a NAP (Non Agression Pact) which would essentially stand for we won't help you but we won't attack you. Hopefully this would expand faction interactions since an alliance is a larger deal then essentially a friendship pact. Next I would like to see an expansion on internal affairs of factions such as more ranks to help organize groups. To go along with more ranks I would also like to see rank options under the faction permission block.
    The chat tab should become a solid part of the HUD with tabs such as General, Faction, Allies, And NAP. That way multigroup operations would run smoother with increased communications.
    An improvement on how you view allies and attacking would also be in order, on the navigation screen Allies would be outlined in green, faction-mates with blue, NAPs with orange and neutrals as white. If you accidentally attack a friendly or NAP faction ship a warning will flash on your screen stating to halt further hostilities. After a set a mount of damage or destroying the ship a report of the incident will be placed under a faction tab for the leaders of the attacker and defender to see.

    Next I would like to see the Nav screen, cloaking, and radar jamming redone. In order to see space around you, you will need to place an array of sensor blocks these would improve by increasing the length, more sensor blocks would increase your sensory range possibly up to 4000 meters with a large enough array. Radar jammers would function by blotting out signals if you were being radar jammed your minimal would go blank and your navigation tab would show no data other then "signal jammed" this effect would be controlled by how powerful your sensor array is compared to there jammers with there effective jamming range decreasing until the point they would have to be ramming you to block your signal. Cloaking would function by visually erasing you and hiding your signature from enemy scanners again the effective range of blocking there scanners depends on the conflicting arrays sizes, I would also like to see cloaking rebalanced to be cheaper energy wise with the cost of shutting off shields while cloaked.

    Next and AI improvement to go along with these new implementations. I suggest under the bobby AI has an option screen that would include the options of 'Drone' 'kamikaze' and 'patrol'. Selecting drone or kamikaze would mark the next ship that core docks to as it's carrier ship. Now for the use of drone ships there would be communication antenna blocks and a drone CPU block, more antenna blocks increases he mad range the drones can travel from the carrier ship. On the carrier ship drones could be grouped together onto a hot bar slot and when activated would target the selected enemy ship or the nearest possible enemy if the selected ship is friendly. Activating the option again will recall the drones back to there docking ports. Kamikaze drones will ram the enemy ship repeatedly and explode assuming they have disintegrators attached.
    Ships selected with the patrol option can be set to patrol a range around a specific station, planet, or sector guarding against enemies and would have a setable max range at which they would disingage and head back to there set home point.
    Aug 28, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Top Forum Contributor
    • Legacy Citizen
    The new faction relations and AI improvements look good, but I really don\'t like the requirement of having sensor arrays be mandated. This would mean that starting players would have to build a ship with these arrays. I don\'t think it will add any flexibilty to the game, only punish players who make small ships. Also, all current blueprints will be made worthless by the new update.