Extra usefull blocks...

    Jun 24, 2013
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    So, we all know each ship block and others have specific funtions, the AMC as a gun, the hull as a... hull, the power blocks as... power storage and power creation, however, after reading about ''oil rigs and such'' i decided to suggest that there should be more usefull blocks, heres some ive tought about:

    Sticky Block: A block found in some planets, can be factorized to turn into an Upgraded Sticky Block that increases its properties. As the name says its sticky, in a sense that if anything explosive colides onto it ( the kamikaze explosion blocks ) it whoulden't explode due to the block not being a true hard surface, if collision does get added this chould serve as an extra layer of defence vs collisions, its weakness is that its fragile and where it is found its not in big quantities.

    Factory Blueprint Builder: Adds factory blueprints !!! Credit to the ''pirate log'' small update as it whould use that model for the Factory Blueprints. You click R onto it to open an interface were you got 21 slots, one of em is for the Factory Blueprints and the rest is for the blocks the FBB uses to build whats shown in the blueprint, it basicaly is a insta-build factory block, you can use it to get instant-factories so you don't need to do all the work, it does use power so be carefull.

    Pitfall Block: Well duh, when stepped upon it opens, serving as a pitfall.

    Universal Map: It marks spots where you have been so if you get lost or are looking for a certain place you don't need the coordinates for it.

    Drill Block & Drill Computer: Same thing as salvage cannon but meele, activates when its touching a surface. The drill block is the same as salvage cannons, only difrences is that you don't need alot of em in lines as it whoulden't upgrade, but you need it in wideness, the wider the drill spot... the wider the block area you harvest. Its also meele, meaning it can also be used as an offensive weapon with low shield piercing but decent damage, don't forget its main use is for harvesting, as it destroys blocks the DComputer transfer those to ( Insert Chest Block here ) that are connected to the ship.

    Tell me what you guys think and sorry for the Wall'o Text
    Aug 18, 2013
    Reaction score
    I rather like this idea for these bocks.

    May I add to your suggestions by asking about some possible new asthetic blocks? Such as letter and number blocks (basically text blocks). Not so much \'full\' blocks, but more like blocks you stick to existing hull blocks to give names to your ships easier on the exteriors. I see a lot of \"HMS\" and \"USS\" around, it\'d probably be useful for Star Trek ships and other franchises, I suppose. And so that you could see it on darker blocks too, they\'d be in different colours as well in-case you\'re using other colours besides the gray hulls. It would also be useful to put on walls for interiors of stations and ships (To Engineering, To Core, To Bridge, etc).

    I do not know how difficult this would be to implement, but perhaps each one would be bought from the shops? OR you purchase a \'nameplate\' (small to large size) from the shop and enter the text you want on it (font can vary I guess but would likely stay a military or a basic font) and then plop it down on the hull (like the signs in Minecraft). The latter would be a bit more convenient I would guess as it\'d be a pain to have to code in every single letter and number, but I do not know.

    I agree with the rest, but I\'d expand on the sticky block one by saying that could be used for many things. Perhaps to be used for docking to other ships for a possible boarding option or something? Just wanted to see if I could expand on these ideas. :P

    I adore the drill idea a lot! The universal map would also be useful. No use in going to the same place if it\'s been picked clean.