Attack frigate engines. I'll see about getting my cruiser's engines posted here.
I'll share a few shots. I started this late last year. Had it up on the old site. Got quite a bit done and then the game updates at the beginning of the year really screwed up my framerates to basically unplayable levels. Kinda killed any enjoyment I had in the game. In the last month and a half or so I have really made a big effort to make this playable again because I really want to finish this ship. Between my efforts and Schema's updates I am back to a very playable framerate on my laptop so I am working towards finishing this up.Holy crap! Could we get different angles of this thing?
Anyone else seeing an asteroid tethered to some humongous engines in this pic? That's the fastest asteroid in the galaxy!!!!BUT WAIT!
There's more!
Ladies and Gentleman... this is engine pr0n deluxe :DThe engines are covered by blast doores when in the dry dock. When you start the thrusters first the blast doors get of and then in three steps the lights go on :D
I got the idea from this ship.Ladies and Gentleman... this is engine pr0n deluxe :D