And this:ve left Vaygr. Its been a really fun 3 and a half years. Joined Odium in August of 2014 and Vaygr in November 2015. I want to now do something new, me and Zoro are still frien

I think I am close enough to being De-facto leader at this point even though I am also dead on Starmade. I am going to step in and end this shenanigan once and for all, probably to the entertainment of quite a few factions who have hated our guts.
Vaygr is hereby officially in stasis until we find the game entertaining again.
Our roster of member is depleted. Leadership have scattered into the wind, leaving a single member who seem to remain a bit emotionally attached.
Our combat record speaks for itself - We can proudly say we won more fights than any other faction since the inception of Vaygr. We have turned Dovan's million mass bricks to dust, burnt FCM and Aethi's home base on EE 2.0 to the ground and broke any server side faction we fought.
We remained in the forefront of PvPing (never catching up to Veilith tho... shhh )
I see no viable candidates to take up leadership, nor do I see any opportunity for Vaygr to rebuild in a game with a stagnant community.
Thank you Starmade community for providing us with "content", or becoming content yourself.
Best of luck to you all.

Confirming that this obituary is not bullshit, I found the most anti-vaygr person possible and have him cross check the facts )))) - We probably done a bit more than that, but the most relevant stuff is included.

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