Suggestion Enable more site feedback emotes.

    Jan 16, 2015
    Reaction score
    It would be nice to have a broader range of emote responses to posts than all of them being super positive.

    Even facebook has finally woken up to the fact that sometimes people would like to be able to do more than just like everything.

    I really think having positive only responses to posts severely limits both devs and users getting true feedback, especially critical feedback, on any given subject.

    Any logic as to why the negative options are hidden can be applied to the positive options.
    I once had someone say, 'oh the negative stuff is to prevent people just disliking a post and not saying why."
    My thought was how is that any different to liking a post and not saying why?

    A dev etc sees a post and it has 20 likes they may think the idea is wanted by the community, while not reading the 30 posts in the thread that dislike the idea. Something they would of seen if that post had 30 dislikes.
    We humans are pretty influenced by the first thing we see. It needs to be balanced and impartial.

    If we can express that we like, agree or think something is creative, then we should be as just as much able to dislike, disagree and think something is dumb.
    To allow people to respond positively to everything but not negatively is just censorship and doesn't help the game or the community grow imho.

    So yeah, enable more feedback options please.


    Count Duku
    Sep 4, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Schine
    We did this before; we trialed negative ratings for a few months. In the end, the test failed. There were a number of reasons why we ended up removing this feature; I'll list a few that I can remember off the top of my head.

    Unfortunately, a group of users decided to abuse the system. Some community members were targeted in what I assume was forum faction "warfare". Alternative accounts were created for the purpose of ruining people's post likes, and some people would rate every post they saw as a negative rating. I remember having to setup specific rules for ratings. Moderation couldn't keep up with the number of complaints and reports from users who abused the system. This occurred for the majority of the time the system was present.

    It was too much work to keep stable, and it also didn't make this site a welcome place for newer members. SMD is one of the major representations of the StarMade community; it's in StarMade's best interests to ensure that it's a positive environment that can foster community growth, not discourage it.

    At the end of the day, the rating system means nothing to Schine. We don't put much weight on how many likes a suggestion has. The same thing can be achieved with a poll, even then, it doesn't indicate too much. The only way I see negative ratings working would be an upvote and downvote option in the suggestion forum only.

    What works for one system, won't necessarily work for another. People are complicated things. What might work with a development forum where the mean age is above 30, probably won't work with a gaming forum where the average age is around 15-23.
    Apr 25, 2015
    Reaction score
    It would be nice to have a broader range of emote responses to posts than all of them being super positive.

    Even facebook has finally woken up to the fact that sometimes people would like to be able to do more than just like everything.

    I really think having positive only responses to posts severely limits both devs and users getting true feedback, especially critical feedback, on any given subject.

    Any logic as to why the negative options are hidden can be applied to the positive options.
    I once had someone say, 'oh the negative stuff is to prevent people just disliking a post and not saying why."
    My thought was how is that any different to liking a post and not saying why?

    A dev etc sees a post and it has 20 likes they may think the idea is wanted by the community, while not reading the 30 posts in the thread that dislike the idea. Something they would of seen if that post had 30 dislikes.
    We humans are pretty influenced by the first thing we see. It needs to be balanced and impartial.

    If we can express that we like, agree or think something is creative, then we should be as just as much able to dislike, disagree and think something is dumb.
    To allow people to respond positively to everything but not negatively is just censorship and doesn't help the game or the community grow imho.

    So yeah, enable more feedback options please.
    Jan 16, 2015
    Reaction score
    We did this before; we trialed negative ratings for a few months. In the end, the test failed. There were a number of reasons why we ended up removing this feature; I'll list a few that I can remember off the top of my head.

    Unfortunately, a group of users decided to abuse the system. Some community members were targeted in what I assume was forum faction "warfare". Alternative accounts were created for the purpose of ruining people's post likes, and some people would rate every post they saw as a negative rating. I remember having to setup specific rules for ratings. Moderation couldn't keep up with the number of complaints and reports from users who abused the system. This occurred for the majority of the time the system was present.

    It was too much work to keep stable, and it also didn't make this site a welcome place for newer members. SMD is one of the major representations of the StarMade community; it's in StarMade's best interests to ensure that it's a positive environment that can foster community growth, not discourage it.

    At the end of the day, the rating system means nothing to Schine. We don't put much weight on how many likes a suggestion has. The same thing can be achieved with a poll, even then, it doesn't indicate too much. The only way I see negative ratings working would be an upvote and downvote option in the suggestion forum only.

    What works for one system, won't necessarily work for another. People are complicated things. What might work with a development forum where the mean age is above 30, probably won't work with a gaming forum where the average age is around 15-23.
    May as well just disable them altogether and force people to reply to posts if they have an opinion on the subjectof the post if banning accounts, blacklisting VPN's, proxies or IP's and maintaining the forum is too much work for moderators.
    Have managed many a forum in my time and I find that behavior usually dies down if you stick with enforcement of your rules and policies as long as is needed.
    Other game sites and their forums have to deal with the same issues yet somehow they manage, be they Triple A or Indie devs.

    People end up getting tired of making alts etc, I mean by that logic, there is nothing stopping people from just making alts and posting negatively or just being trolls. Just seems like punishing the many because of the few.

    What works for one but not another? That's just a little thing called life and you find it every where in everything. Billions manage to deal with it every day. Maybe the system was broken and what was needed was a revision of it, not a censoring.
    Just seems to be a bit too much pandering these days to the 'you called me a noob and hurt my feels' brigade.

    I just honestly think it is worse having only half a system in place than managing/correcting a full one. I agree the community should be positive and welcoming, but inn saying that critical feedback or criticism can be a good and healthy thing.

    You're also right people are complicated things, yet they are also simple beings also. From experience I tend to find they are impacted by the first thing they are exposed to. e.g you and I have a different story of the same event, whoever is the first to tell their story, regardless of if they are being truthful or not, that is the story that sticks in peoples minds.
    If a bad idea is promoted positively then people will view it as such and will never learn to take and accept criticism, I'd have to disagree though on the thought that developers would not be influenced by positive imagery, after all they're humans and prone to the same influences and bias as the rest of us.
    I've seen first hand myself that many of them seem to not respond well to negative feedback even if it is politely done. (sadly quite common now with modern game developers across the industry, especially small devs personally close to their product), while soaking up the positive comments of 'everything you do is awesome'.

    People have different opinions and views, it's a fact of life, sometimes people just need to learn to deal with and accept that regardless of the age demographic they fit into. (Most players I deal with are 16-40) It helps them grow as people. Wrapping everything in cotton wool does not. Often I find it makes them worse with interacting with others who feel differently than they do.
    Any way, just my suggestion and feedback as a member of this community, I really do think having those options and managing it properly, would work and benefit this games development, just need the right people who are up to the task doing so.

    I mean the opposite is also true of 'scaring away newcomers' people can feel intimidated if they feel restricted and stifled and unable to fully express themselves and end up not contributing. I have spoken to people who feel this way, they come to me with ideas even bugs and I tell them to come here and post and they won't because they feel if it's not all rainbows and lollipop ideas that the fanboys will like they'll get shut down so it's not like limiting anything is working. Its kind of robbing Peter to pay Paul.

    Any way while we may not agree on the matter, I can understand, accept and respect your point of view and why you have it and thank you for your feedback. ;)