Effective Pirate Base Elimination

    Jan 1, 2015
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    Well, the server I've been busy on the last couple of days is down, so I went back to an older game (a whole two days older) that I had largely abandoned. The warship I had been building there so as to take out a pirate base which was way to close to my homebase, had a firing mishap with it's heatseekers, and obliterated my stealthy mining ship with one salvo, and that caused me to decide to restart. But with my new server down, I figured I might as well try out that ship I had been building on the old.

    The ship was technically not finished, much of it was still uncovered for lack of hull. A spaghetti lacework of power conduits at it's center rear was exposed to space so as to be worked on, etc.. However it had good shields for a 50 block ship, 100K and quite decent regeneration. It's weapons and power systems as well were fully operational. Even though it was not quite the finished war machine I had originally intended it to be, I figured I really aught to at least see what it could do before I abandoned it.

    So, that pirate base, my first ever, I'm a newb and had no idea what to expect. I had already decided to use it as the dive bomber it was designed to be, high speed strafing attacks to take out a turret on each strafe. Rinse and repeat. No plan however ever really survives contact with the enemy. I fired a volley of 14 1800 damage sniper missiles then came screaming in following a wave of 30 heatseekers (600 damage each).

    The approach was both slow enough for me to have time to think and fast enough that I could not easily target a turret, or rather I had a hard time discerning one from amidst the decor. I also noticed that I seemed to be taking little to no fire, my shields were never below 95%. I suppose the heatseekers were keeping the fighter cover busy and my jammer was fouling any turret accuracy enough. So I resolved to actually slow down to try to find a turret.

    Cut to the chase, I still could not identify my turret target. Maybe my first long range pot shot had gotten lucky and had already taken out the turret on the side of the station I found myself facing. In any case, I was still not taking serious damage, so I figured that until I did take serious damage, I would park, and just blast away. Every 15 seconds I'd launch a new wave of heatseekers which would consistently go screaming off to chase fighter cover. Meanwhile my rapid fire cannon (400 explosive / ten shots per second) and sniper missiles started the process of taking down the shields.

    Long story short, ultimately after a full hour I gave up the fight because my fingers were numb from holding down fire keys. The pirate station was a hollowed out wreck, but there seemed no way for me to actually 'kill' it.

    Lessons learned (?):

    I was seriously wishing I had packed at least one damage pulse missile for it's 72 block blast radius. A single such slow speed missile wouldn't be of much use in a long range duel versus an opponent with point defense, but I was parked at the hole I had dug firing into the belly of the station. There "was no" point defense, just a whole lot of random blocks that despite my best efforts were proving damnably difficult to clear.

    Heatseekers are a lot of fun, and they seem to keep small pirates very busy. However each individual warhead seems to do very little damage. They were frequently colliding with the station, which was fine with me as I was wanting to reduce blocks. But the damage they were doing was most often insufficient to actually destroy those blocks (though I suppose they could just as well have been hitting the shield). My thinking now is that yes, you want large numbers of heatseekers to keep pirates busy, but you also want them as big as you can make them punch.

    Big powerful sniper missiles look great on paper. They probably are great in a long range duel. But in the close confines of trying to destroy the guts of that base, my 14 sniper missiles did not seem to be doing more damage than one such missile, as it seemed they were all of them wasting their explosion on the same space.

    It was very apparent both that having a rapid fire weapon of some sort was very useful for keeping shields down. It was also apparent that that weapon should be designed expressly for that purpose, IE: with Ion effect instead of the explosion effect I had put on it. Explosion sounds good, but if it is exploding on shields, which it almost always was, the explosion is of no use. A partial Ion effect however would have been of 'enormous' use instead (partial so it could still kill blocks).

    I found myself wishing for an effect similar to a salvage array, for a more dispersed damage effect from my cannon so I could actually clear specific blocks with some accuracy. Given that all of their damage will be applied to shield as long as shield is present to absorb damage, there is little reason to not build say, a 3x3 array out of however much cannon you allocate to your build, so as to get that dispersion. Yes, it won't be as punchy, but at least you'd be more likely to hit something useful

    What have I gotten wrong from my experience? What experience might you pass along to newbies like me?.
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    Jul 31, 2013
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    First let me say that both your design and tactical decisions all seem sound. Heat seekers are useful when being swarmed, but overall dangerous to allies or anything that happens to be nearby. You should make sure your navigational filter is set to show turrets. Finally, go full Ion with that rapid cannon, then un-link it in the weapons menu when the shields are down. It will still be doing enough damage to stop shield regeneration, but will be doing full damage otherwise as well. I have experimented with switching master/slave/effect systems on the fly with amazing results. Especially considering each un-linked effect system can be used defensively.

    Edit: Those 72 radii missiles are always nice to have too if you have the power for them. I pack 6 different comps for them for staggered fire.

    Edit 2: Also, cannon/missile is useful to get more spread out of them. Generally use a pierce or punch effect (never sure which is which) to get extra penetration out of each flechette.
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    Aug 8, 2013
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    First let me say that both your design and tactical decisions all seem sound. Heat seekers are useful when being swarmed, but overall dangerous to allies or anything that happens to be nearby. You should make sure your navigational filter is set to show turrets. Finally, go full Ion with that rapid cannon, then un-link it in the weapons menu when the shields are down. It will still be doing enough damage to stop shield regeneration, but will be doing full damage otherwise as well. I have experimented with switching master/slave/effect systems on the fly with amazing results. Especially considering each un-linked effect system can be used defensively.

    Edit: Those 72 radii missiles are always nice to have too if you have the power for them. I pack 6 different comps for them for staggered fire.

    Edit 2: Also, cannon/missile is useful to get more spread out of them. Generally use a pierce or punch effect (never sure which is which) to get extra penetration out of each flechette.
    Remind me never to piss you off enough to make you come after me.....

    off topic aside, to 'defeat' a pirate station and make them stop calling for support, you have to take out the faction block that is hidden somewhere in the base.
    Jul 31, 2013
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    Remind me never to piss you off enough to make you come after me.....

    off topic aside, to 'defeat' a pirate station and make them stop calling for support, you have to take out the faction block that is hidden somewhere in the base.
    Ahh, yes. That part about the faction block is very important and I totally forgot to mention it. Piss me off? The only thing that could get anyone in the corporation to come after you is being a reaver.
    Aug 8, 2013
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    Ahh, yes. That part about the faction block is very important and I totally forgot to mention it. Piss me off? The only thing that could get anyone in the corporation to come after you is being a reaver.
    Note to self, Remind Tyler the server owner is after him.
    Aug 24, 2013
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    “If you know your enemies and know yourself, you will not be imperiled in a hundred battles...”

    • Know the location of the faction block for the pirate station you are aggressing.
    • Apply current tactics for removing turrets and fighter cover.
    • Move in close keeping the shields down.
    • Switch to a focused weapon to drill down and destroy the faction block.
    • Salvage at leisure.

    Missiles are good but I find they make a total wreck of a station if I try to use them to get to the faction block.

    Jan 1, 2015
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    • Know the location of the faction block for the pirate station you are aggressing.
    Ah, would that such omniscience were available to we newbs. ;-)

    I take it the faction block is 'not' at the middle of the little green box on our hud? Is the only way to gain such knowledge to destroy a vast number of pirate stations so as to learn from experience?

    Finally, what in your opinion makes for a good 'drilling weapon'? I was planning on a set of nine rapid fire cannons, each doing 267 with a 25% ion effect, so two hits will take out an advanced armor. (I'm in the process of building a rather bigger ship now.) That might be overkill however, as the few bits of pirate wreckage I have thus far examined seems to be nothing but standard armored hull.


    Aug 30, 2013
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    “If you know your enemies and know yourself, you will not be imperiled in a hundred battles...”

    • Know the location of the faction block for the pirate station you are aggressing.
    • Apply current tactics for removing turrets and fighter cover.
    • Move in close keeping the shields down.
    • Switch to a focused weapon to drill down and destroy the faction block.
    • Salvage at leisure.

    Missiles are good but I find they make a total wreck of a station if I try to use them to get to the faction block.

    "A child sitting at a desk playing on a computer using one of my quotes takes himself too seriously" - Sun Tzu
    On a serious note, try grabbing a couple of friends and boarding the station. After you take out all the turrets, have one guy distract the pirates and the rest find the faction module.
    Jul 15, 2014
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    Something I find works well is to make a stealth ship as a scout, fly over the station and use build mode to hunt down the location of the faction module. After that head back into my main ship and make a death or glory run to the faction module with a punch through laser, finishing up the fighters after wards.
    Jan 1, 2015
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    Something I find works well is to make a stealth ship as a scout, fly over the station and use build mode to hunt down the location of the faction module. After that head back into my main ship and make a death or glory run to the faction module with a punch through laser, finishing up the fighters after wards.
    LOL! Build mode scouting. I never thought of that. Definitely munchkin... I like it. ;-)
    Aug 28, 2013
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    I actually found heatseekers are really good for taking out the turrets on the station too. And considering that they (in vanilla) have an 8km range, it's pretty easy to remove the turrets from afar.
    Aug 8, 2013
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    I actually found heatseekers are really good for taking out the turrets on the station too. And considering that they (in vanilla) have an 8km range, it's pretty easy to remove the turrets from afar.
    I can confirm, heatseekers are best for disabling turrets.
    Jan 11, 2015
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    Another thing that I've noticed is that you wont always be aware when a pirate base has been "defeated". I took out a base, killed the core, removed all the turrets, then spent another hour or so blasting at it before i realized that it was in fact already dead, and had been for some time. It took me warping away and then back for it to be listed as "derelict". So, keep a small salvage beam handy and try to salvage a block if you think you killed it. If its dead, you get salvage. If not, you get a big warning telling you to keep searching for that faction block!


    Aug 30, 2013
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    What do you link up to missiles to make heat seekers? I've looked around, couldn't find it
    Jan 1, 2015
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    I actually found heatseekers are really good for taking out the turrets on the station too. And considering that they (in vanilla) have an 8km range, it's pretty easy to remove the turrets from afar.
    Ah, well that might explain what happened to the turrets in my little adventure. Those 30 heatseakers I was spamming every 15 seconds were not small ones. Of course nowadays, I am flying around in a (small 63 blocks to a side) borg cube with one of my options to spam 128 of them for 1280 MIRVs and they are big enough that each MIRV does 405 block damage 'plus' 270 shield bonus damage (48 missile/24 missile slave/12 ion effect). I now look for pirates so I can hit my 'Kill Pirates' button. Sadly I only ever get to hit it once.
    Aug 8, 2013
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    Ah, well that might explain what happened to the turrets in my little adventure. Those 30 heatseakers I was spamming every 15 seconds were not small ones. Of course nowadays, I am flying around in a (small 63 blocks to a side) borg cube with one of my options to spam 128 of them for 1280 MIRVs and they are big enough that each MIRV does 405 block damage 'plus' 270 shield bonus damage (48 missile/24 missile slave/12 ion effect). I now look for pirates so I can hit my 'Kill Pirates' button. Sadly I only ever get to hit it once.
    Could you PM me that blueprint? I wanna take a look at those systems.
    Jan 1, 2015
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    Could you PM me that blueprint? I wanna take a look at those systems.
    Sure, if the server (Ordo Imperialis) ever comes back online. It's been down for most of two days now, and I had not saved the blueprint. It is (was?) still under construction, but more than capable of taking a beating and giving a licking as is.

    Ach, but if (hopefully when) I sent you the blueprint, you won't be able to see it with it's knobby bits. It's not 'quite' a cube, in that it's edges are nicely beveled and it has three small point defense turrets on each corner whose own beveling flows perfectly with the cube's. It is really very aesthetic for a cube. I suppose I'll have to do a screenshot.
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    Aug 8, 2013
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    Sure, if the server (Ordo Imperialis) ever comes back online. It's been down for most of two days now, and I had not saved the blueprint. It is (was?) still under construction, but more than capable of taking a beating and giving a licking as is.

    Ach, but if (hopefully when) I sent you the blueprint, you won't be able to see it with it's knobby bits. It's not 'quite' a cube, in that it's edges are nicely beveled and it has three small point defense turrets on each corner whose own beveling flows perfectly with the cube's. It is really very aesthetic for a cube. I suppose I'll have to do a screenshot.
    alright then. I dont mind the looks, just wanna see the system setups you have to get some building inspiration.