[Economy] Recipe System Suggestions

    Aug 3, 2013
    Reaction score
    Hi there,

    In my opinion there is a huge problem with the recipe and ressource system at the
    moment, I know it's still alpha and early, but I wanted to share some thoughts
    about how I think it could work out.

    Recipe Cost:

    Right now we can only set a global value for the recipe cost.
    If you need 10k Power Blocks to make a Power Block recipe
    you also need 10k Faction Blocks to make a recipe of it.
    I'd like to see this value for each block seperatly.
    The 10k for the Power Block would be okay,
    but the Faction Block should only be around 100.
    Why so few? Read on! :)

    Recipe Level:

    With this I do not mean the Recipe Experience where
    the recipe gets more efficient over time.

    I would like to see different Recipe Levels for the recipes.

    An Example:


    • Block: SD Hct xm3.4 Power
    • Recipe Level: 1

    • Block Faction Block
    • Recipe Level: 5

    Recipe Level:

    Recipe Level: 1
    Ressources needed: 2-3
    Ressource variety: 1-2
    Ressource level: L1-L1

    Recipe Level 2:
    Ressources needed: 20-25
    Ressource variety: 2-4
    Ressource level: L1-L2


    Recipe Level 5:
    Ressources needed: 1000-1200
    Ressource variety: 6-8
    Ressource level: L3-L5

    So what does this mean?

    Let's say you buy yourself a Recipe for the "SD Hct xm3.4 Power" Block.
    You pay your 10000 Blocks to aquire the Recipe.
    The Recipe Level for the SD Hct xm3.4 Power is 1
    so the game creates a recipe which could look like this;

    SD Hct xm3.4 Power:
    2 x Exogen L1

    or like this:

    SD Hct xm3.4 Power:
    1x Exogen L1, 2x Octogen L1

    Obviously the first recipe is a good one because it just requires
    two ressources of one kind and the second one is bad because
    it requires a total of 3 ressources from two different kinds of blocks.

    Let's look at the Faction Block, you only need 100 to obtain
    the recipe, but the recipe will be level 5 so it could look like this:

    Faction Block:
    300x Exogen L3
    100x Octogen L4
    200x Quantagen L3
    50x Quantagen L5
    300x Cenomite L3
    200x Insanium L3

    Total: 1150 Blocks

    So the game randomly gave you this recipe.
    The values are within the limitations of Recipe Level 5.
    We have 6 different ressource types ranging from L3 to L5.

    On a side Note I would also decrase the steps of the
    minerals, but that is another story.

    I'd like to add that it would be very helpful if only
    end products like Ship Cores, Weapon Computers, etc.
    could be converted into a recipe, not other ressources.

    All this is just a genral idea, the value are subject to change, of course.

    So what would you think about Recipe Levels?
    Please let me know.
    Jul 9, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    I would rather recipes cost credits instead of blocks. The Recipe would cost block cost x number of blocks required.
    Aug 3, 2013
    Reaction score
    Credits not blocks

    I would rather recipes cost credits instead of blocks. The Recipe would cost block cost x number of blocks required.

    Maybe a combination of both?

    You need X sample blocks and Y Credits to buy the recipe.

    Of course you\'d need not so many sample blocks.