Easier Programmable AI

    Jun 30, 2013
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    I have an idea for how to make a programmable AI that would not require players to know programming, and make it accessible to nearly everybody.

    There would be a GUI, kind of like a flowchart, that would let you customize what the AI should do, what order to do it in, and how to react to various situations. For example if you wanted a drone controlled by an AI to protect your faction base, you would add a search command to its program. Set it to search for enemies within 1000 meters perhaps. You would then add an attack command, and connect the search order to the attack order so that when it finds an enemy ship within 1000 meters, it undocks and attacks the enemy. You would then set up an action for each potential outcome of the order. If the enemy ship is destroyed, if it gets too far away or is lost, if the drone travels too far from the faction base, if the drone gets too damaged or loses too much mass in the fight, etc. These follow up commands could be to loop back to an earlier one like to search for more enemies, or to lead to a new one like to return to base and dock at the same place it was when it started.

    Following this format, I think the AI would be much more useful and could be assigned to do anything that the built in commands would allow, with a minimal learning curve for the players. It would probably clear up any complaints people have with the Bobby AI modules if they can customize them like this. I don’t know if this type of thing would even be possible to implement, but I think it would be awesome if it could.
    Sep 11, 2013
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    I like this idea, but a good start would be a few more options to select, such as options to be able to set ships to patrol specific sectors and either send a message when it is fired upon, or attack anyone crossing into that area, or guard near a station planet or mine an asteroid etc. Just click which object to mine and leave the ship to let it get on with it.

    Could also be interesting if on ships such as carriers you could mass control docked ships to undock and then attack a target or perform a suicide run on a ship / provide cover etc.
    Dec 30, 2012
    Reaction score
    • Legacy Citizen 4
    I have an idea for how to make a programmable AI that would not require players to know programming,

    wtf ? So you need a programming career to know how to pick between attacking enemies or attacking selected target and Turn on/off ?
    Dec 19, 2012
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    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    He isn\'t saying that as it is now, you need to know how to program. There are a lot of suggestions to add a programmable computer, like 0x10c was going to have. Something where you can write in the code and it will do what you write, but that requires knowing how to write the code.

    His suggestion is that you add in a flow chart to the bobby AI module, and thus give us the intended effect of a programmable AI without having to know how to write code. It gets the same outcome roughly, but with ease of use at the expense of customization.
    Aug 31, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Competition Winner - Small Fleets
    • Legacy Citizen 9
    • Master Builder Bronze
    i just want drones to be able to dock back in the same ship they left