Read by Council Drills - Another way of getting resources


    Poor boi from northern Hungary ^^
    Aug 31, 2015
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    Hello There !

    Everyone knows the classical way of getting resources... by drones or by doing it yourself... but... what about making it more simple and more automatic ?

    I was thinking on a drills, that could dig trough planet and get the resources into your chest. Resources depend on the planet type. Drills could be powered by oil, that you can get by mining asteroids.. First, the drill won't give you much resources, because it is just in top layer, but after I think 30 minutes, it could give you a looot of resources.. Every planet would have certain storage of resources it can provide for your drill, so after complete drillation (yes I made that word) you would have to go to another cube like planet. The Planets are currently divided to certain parts (each with different gravity)... that could make them a sections, so for ex.

    The layer style could work on something like this:

    The drills homewer could stop working sometimes, because of hard ores, or just because they are blocked by a huge rock... maybe making layer with lot of ores being the most difficult to mine, so it would take a loong time before getting trought it into the "dirt and ice" layer. There can be even lava, that could make your drill stop working too, then you would have to destroy the blockade for yourself :)

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    Sep 4, 2013
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    One minor problem.

    It involves planets. Planets, planet based structure causes insane lag... :/
    Feb 25, 2016
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    Instead of this, or anything like it, a well-discussed option is permanent structures on a planet's surface that does nothing to the planet except passively "extract" resources (Without changing blocks or removing them). Less lag, more permanency, accomplishes more than this suggestion, which sounds basically like ground-based planet harvesting.

    A passive harvester block can then be used, say, in gas giants, in nebulae, on planets, maybe even on asteroids. All with different effects and resources produced.

    And, Mortiferum, if we can't fix the lag, then planets are useless anyway. The lag will be fixed, or the game won't be complete.
    Sep 4, 2013
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    Instead of this, or anything like it, a well-discussed option is permanent structures on a planet's surface that does nothing to the planet except passively "extract" resources (Without changing blocks or removing them). Less lag, more permanency, accomplishes more than this suggestion, which sounds basically like ground-based planet harvesting.

    A passive harvester block can then be used, say, in gas giants, in nebulae, on planets, maybe even on asteroids. All with different effects and resources produced.

    And, Mortiferum, if we can't fix the lag, then planets are useless anyway. The lag will be fixed, or the game won't be complete.

    It is an interesting idea, and I think it would work, and make fighting for planets more worthwhile.


    Poor boi from northern Hungary ^^
    Aug 31, 2015
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    Instead of this, or anything like it, a well-discussed option is permanent structures on a planet's surface that does nothing to the planet except passively "extract" resources (Without changing blocks or removing them). Less lag, more permanency, accomplishes more than this suggestion, which sounds basically like ground-based planet harvesting.

    A passive harvester block can then be used, say, in gas giants, in nebulae, on planets, maybe even on asteroids. All with different effects and resources produced.

    And, Mortiferum, if we can't fix the lag, then planets are useless anyway. The lag will be fixed, or the game won't be complete.
    Having it pernamently on a planet is quite a casual thing to do... giving players a choice to do their own drills, is much better, then just giving them rendered structure, that is everywhere the same.
    Feb 25, 2016
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    Zektor, the idea is that players build these permanent structures (Permanent as in permanent resource generation, not indestructible and non-player-made) for resource gathering, giving planets value...especially if it is expensive to build/rebuild the structures. Fewer planets will be destroyed, and more will become targets for warfare.


    Poor boi from northern Hungary ^^
    Aug 31, 2015
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    Zektor, the idea is that players build these permanent structures (Permanent as in permanent resource generation, not indestructible and non-player-made) for resource gathering, giving planets value...especially if it is expensive to build/rebuild the structures. Fewer planets will be destroyed, and more will become targets for warfare.
    I just don't like having it as a pernament income... rather having it like a "alive thing", that can broke sometimes, and you can upgrade it... They would be priorited more, if there is an attack to a planet.


    Identifies as a T-34
    Nov 16, 2013
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    Why is it powered by oil!!?! Were in space FFS!

    The current plan is a passive resource generating dill type thing that one can build, and that never runs out. This is very much needed at the moment, as factions now eventually just end up traveling through space consuming everything in their path like tyranids. This not only turns sections of servers into wastelands, but also strongly discourages fighting over resources, because it will always be much easier to move farther out than fight over resources. Your proposed system would slow this down, but not change anything in the long term. The only way to really encourage faction conflict over resources is rare or semi rare passive sources that generate resources forever.

    Having the machines that generate resources need to be maintained does sound good though.