Hello There !
Everyone knows the classical way of getting resources... by drones or by doing it yourself... but... what about making it more simple and more automatic ?
I was thinking on a drills, that could dig trough planet and get the resources into your chest. Resources depend on the planet type. Drills could be powered by oil, that you can get by mining asteroids.. First, the drill won't give you much resources, because it is just in top layer, but after I think 30 minutes, it could give you a looot of resources.. Every planet would have certain storage of resources it can provide for your drill, so after complete drillation (yes I made that word) you would have to go to another cube like planet. The Planets are currently divided to certain parts (each with different gravity)... that could make them a sections, so for ex.

The layer style could work on something like this:

The drills homewer could stop working sometimes, because of hard ores, or just because they are blocked by a huge rock... maybe making layer with lot of ores being the most difficult to mine, so it would take a loong time before getting trought it into the "dirt and ice" layer. There can be even lava, that could make your drill stop working too, then you would have to destroy the blockade for yourself
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