Door Locks and Ownership

    Jul 8, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    just an idea,that might already exist already but still here it is. Doors should lock for locations with faction blocks. so only members of the faction can open or close the doors. because no one wants people just wondering into their base even if they can't take things it is rude for them to just be there.

    or maybe there should just be an ownership block, so you can invite people to help drive your ship or use things in your base but only the owner can build or take from a location (base or ship). and the owner is also the only one who can open the doors (well maybe just from the outside of exterior doors, this may take a bit of code so that it can know what the outside of the ship is, so you can't be a jerk and just lock people inside your base and hold them as prisoners). the difference between the ownership block and the prexisting faction block is that it creates a admin for a structure, because if you have a new member of a faction you don't just want someone jacking your stuff, but you don't want to have to 100% vet everyone in a faction because then it would be very hard for new players to join.
    Jun 29, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    First off, we would need to split something up. Make the \"enter/exit\" key something separate and different from the \"use/activate\" key.

    Next, we just alter the ship core block. When you place one down, or buy a blueprinted vessel from a shop, it has a \"clean core\" that lets anyone use it. Use the block to bring up a small menu like faction blocks have. First is the option to claim the core, which marks it as yours, and which causes two further things to appear. First is a sentence \"allow use\" with two toggle boxes you can click to X in for \"anyone\" and just \"faction.\" Second is the sentence \"allow modification,\" with the same two toggle boxes.

    Edit: The faction block would still be necessary for the purpose of IFF for ships in a faction, and to allow them to land at a faction base (build blocks would not have the options a ship core has).

    When a core overheats, it becomes unclaimed, and its permissions are reset, allowing anyone to take it. and claim whats left of the ship for their own. You cannot however claim a ship unless the core overheats and resets it, or unless the owner activates the core block and unclaims it.

    One more thing though. Some method of protecting at least one logged player\'s ship would be useful. For example, how about this: When a player logs out, they remain inside the ship so that when they log back in, they do so inside the control block rather then outside the ship. Additionally, 30 seconds after both the player logs out, AND the ship in question last recieved damage, the ship becomes invulnerable until the player \"inside\" logs back in (it can still be moved via collision though). The damage part is to prevent potential abuse by logging off when someone attacks you. If you are logged out when the core overheats via attempting this, you respawn back at your respawn point.

    Jun 24, 2013
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    I thought doors already got locked on things with active faction blocks, or is this only for ships?
    Jun 27, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    But the second one is really all that is needed. People usually steal your ship when you log out, and if your ship was invincible at that time then that would solve a lot of ship stealing. If someone steals your ship while you are on then... well, it\'s sort of your fault. It isn\'t to hard to stay away from people you don\'t trust.

    It is especially needed now that shields can\'t make ships invincible.