
    May 9, 2012
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    I think the docking function must be revised as when i tried it today, the 2 ships wouldn't dock properly, constantly changing the view of the ship i was in ( as if i was stuck inside an object that wanted me out ). The ships weren't touching each other.
    I think what would be best, would be to prevent any block collision of one ship with another. And also set the docking block as a module ( like weapons ) so that you can allow translations or rotations.
    For example, i build a line of docking block, then the core/docking module would be set on it as if we had just put a simple block. The line form would allow translation.
    For rotation, we would dock at the docking module entity looking like a pyramid that would allow rotations over 3 directions ( up/down, right/left, and turn around itself )
    There are two ways of looking at the docking, either the blocks are within each other ( the block must keep a part inside the other ) or the blocks can't be within another, which is maybe easier for the game but that makes rotations more difficult.

    This docking system i came up with might no be the best one, but i think that you'll agree with me that current one isn't working great. The fonctions of docking being : Landing a ship, adding a tower to a space station, having ships assemble into a bigger one or anything you can imagine involving a link between two entities.

    Thanks for reading,
    Jun 9, 2012
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    So you could create a line of docking modules that would allow you to move the docked object along that line. Like a rail?
    I wouldn't mind that. Actually i can think of a couple neat thinks with that like if you also have the speed the docked object can move adjusted by wether or not it has thrusters then you could make a missle launcher or a ship catapault on planets(fior when gravity is a factor).

    If it is possible i wouldn't mind testing several different methods of docking.
    Sep 1, 2012
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    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    Personally I think that there should be at least three different docking blocks - one that only allows docking and keeps the ship motionless, one that allows rotation and one that allows moving forward/backward on it (with alignment being decided by shape)

    • Normal one would require enough area to hold the ship in place, say 1 block for every, say, 50 blocks of ship but wouldn't allow any movement. (and keep the general direction (west/east/north/south/up/down) of the ship)

    • The rotation one would only allow smaller vessels, but could be used to make "turret" vessels that can rotate 360° around, say 70° up and maybe a bit down

    • The rail one would either drain power of the ship or space station/hangar ship/reactor connected to rails, but allow fast movement forwards and backwards (would be cool to have a ship "launcher" like that)

    Related ideas I thought of when writing this:

    • Allow docking ships on other ships (maybe even docking ships inside docked ships? :p)

    • Add more core modules - small fighter/scout/etc. core with block/power/etc limit that is cheap but can be used to make fairly sized vessels, no docking anything inside it, a big "mothership" core that can have docks, repair modules, etc., a space station core, etc. etc.

    • Add a turret core that can only be created on top of rotation-allowing dock blocks, can't move, only aim, mark targets, distance, etc. and allow shooting (for cool and fun multiplayer(or AI) turrets for ships, planets and space stations alike)
    May 9, 2012
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    Another possibility i had explained some time ago would be to have docking use multiple link.
    As the number of link would restrain movement along the chosen path.
    For exemple, i use 1 link, then i can move around the docking block which is, in fact, a 3 axe's rotation with collisions restrictions.
    If i choose to use 2 links, then i can't move around anymore but i'm still able to rotate around 1 axe.
    If i choose to use 3 links, then i'm totally blocked.
    Uses :
    1 link : Turrets, Side Reactors ( that would orientate correctly due to the movement of the ship )
    2 links : Can be used for nice design ( i can think of no way to use it efficiently right now )
    3 links : Docking a ship in a hangar, onto another ship or space station.

    The pros of this solutions are :
    - Same block for all kind of docking
    - Simplified gestion of docking
    However, rails and rotating rings would need another docking block to work.
    Sep 1, 2012
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    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    I feel like making a bunch of different cores for different types of ships might be overcomplicating things a bit, although I can definitely appreciate the need for a space station core. If there's any improvement that I can think of right now, it would be that maybe we should be allowed to attach weapon computers to docking blocks like a docked core, so that it would be possible to make independent turrets without having to buy a brand new core for each one.

    EDIT: It would also be nice if we could dock using something other than the core, for ships that don't have properly exposed cores. Maybe a docking computer with docking beams, or something simpler using only docking modules?
    Aug 10, 2012
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    maybe add like forcefield where ships can pass trough if you accept them so when they exit they wont die of vacuum