
    Jun 19, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    I have been playing this for a short while and have really come to enjoy it. So far I've loved loved all the ideas and features put into this project, this greatly reminds me of Wing Commander, if any of you get that refrence. My main issue is how hard it is to dock ships. I've already built a mother ship, albit a small one, and I think it would be cool to be able to dock that ship to a space station or so, but right now docking a large ship reguires a massive amount of the enhancers and only docks the ship bottem down. I would really like a docking module that let you connect to another of the same module, so you could dock a ship right by a door or something similar. Also, just a question to the devs, do you ever plan on adding moving parts? It would be cool to have an extendable bridge for docking with other ships/space station.

    P.S. Did you guys know you can toggle the plex doors with the docking laser?
    Aug 13, 2012
    Reaction score
    You mean something similar to the way the ISS works? That WOULD be awesome.
    May 31, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 2
    id prefer if we could go into the \"docking module\" and just choose the space we needed, istead of these enhancers...
    Jul 1, 2013
    Reaction score
    I\'m having enough trouble just getting my large ships to dock at all, doesn\'t matter if the area is clear in twice as much space as the 3 times the size of the docking ship\'s docking area. (for clarity, i have say, 25 blocks wide ship, 75 blocks open space, and another 150 (exxagerated) space on all sides from the docking port -- still doesn\'t dock)

    Moving parts would be awesome.. I\'m looking for landing gear more - but extending bridges would be sweet.

    Didn\'t know about the plex doors, but i tend to eat them instead of use them anyway.

    @Akaedis I actually like the way the docking system works, even when I can\'t seem to get it to work correctly. it would make sense that larger ships require a more sturdy anchor than a few ropes on one square. Even when the enhancers are placed away from the port it simulates a larger bolted beam for greater strength.