Docking issues and solution

    Jun 21, 2013
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    Although there are some post about docks, this issue is more about gameplay problems with the docking updates an I believe it be a separate issue.

    Everything I reference can be found at this video linked here:

    So before all these updates we had a dock that needed a space of 7 by 7 by 7 to be placed. Three blocks out from each direction. But it did allow one to build out up to five out from the core. Now the benefit of this was that you could build smaller bays. The problem is when docking a larger ship within the dock area it would clip through the any bricks placed poorly. Good design could take this into account. making it not such a big problem.

    a few updates ago they increased the docking area, which may frustrate some ship designs, but would prevent the clipping into bricks. The problem with this update is it should have been made into 11 by 11 by 11 instead of 10 by 10 by 10 for Symmetry reasons.

    But now the docking area has been decreased to an area of 7 by 7 by 7 and will now only allow ships of that size to be built without dock enchanters. I feel the best solution to this problem to both accommodate the docking of larger ships as was allowed before, and allow ships to have smaller ceilings for designed convince is to increase the dock to 11 by 11 by 11 and add a feature that allows a person to select the size of the docking area.

    Thank you for your time.
    Sep 18, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen
    You can turn of the docking area detection which Schema was awesome and implemented, why not perfect and while poor design on ship docking could lead to clipping issues, in the end it makes the few I play with on our server very happy. Can\'t really exploit it, so it doesn\'t really hurt balance, just means turrets will look stupid being oversized or clipping through your ship and undocking ships that are too big could lead to clip issues. Though I also agree it would be nice to adjust the default size so I could have lower hangar ceilings, but overall I think Schema resolved a lot of players docking size issues but just allowing server admins to disable area detect.
    Jun 21, 2013
    Reaction score
    Well I am not complaining about the clipping, as I said in the video you just have to take that in account during design. My point was two fold, one we need to have the larger area, and two we need the adjustable docking area.

    I was just bringing this to Schema\'s attention because I feel this needs to be taken care of for the benefit of the game play experience. I love the game so I want to help make it as good of a game as possible. I am glad you agree on the adjustable docking area btw.

    It\'s a great game so that is why I have decided to make Tutorials like MC spotlight to help new players learn the game.