Docking for non-symmetrical entities

    Aug 24, 2013
    Reaction score
    I have noticed this annoyance many a time, it seems that while we can edit the x,y,z of a docking port through use of enhancers in the respective directions, there is still much dead space that will be created when non symmetrical ships and turrets are docked to an area. As the size of an entity increases, more and more wasted space is created proportionally. My suggestion is a checkable option for non symmetric entites to use that would change the turret/ships docking space to more match its shape, and in turn, the area that the object is docking is also altered to only allow a ship to dock on an area with a docking ghost of similar shape. This would require that more enhancers are used for the docking area, because instead of extending the general x,y,z of a docking box, it would only increase the specific x,y,z (placed enhancers in positive x direction = larger docking area in that specific direction)
    Aug 24, 2013
    Reaction score
    It would pretty much be how regular docking is now, except a bit more straight forward. I\'ll give an example.

    You have a entity that is 10 blocks tall 10 blocks long and 10 blocks wide, and for ease of explanation lets say its core is placed like a turret on the bottom, and lets also say that the core is located in a corner(so core is block 1 but you went 9 blocks in x (positive) and 9 blocks in y(positive) and 9 blocks in z (positive) . In the current mode of docking such a ship you need to place blocks deep enough for the block,as wide as the block, and as long as the block, but you would end up wasting 75% of space.

    In this other method, you check a box, with this same set up, but instead of extending in both positive and negative x, and y directions, it only allows the docking ghost box to follow the placement of the enhancers. (meaning if no enhancer is placed behind the ship, the docking box will not go there.

    This is an ariel view (Blue equal cores, green lines and boxes represent the x and y dimensions and red and brown squares are docking enhancers. In event A we have the current docking mechanism( notice waste of 75% volume), As for B the non-symetric docking mechanism the builder would have to make sure that the area that they\'re placing enhancers is correct or they will not be able to dock, in B\'s instance
    Nov 19, 2013
    Reaction score
    It is a good idea, however it would take 2X the amount of docking enhancers to dock, what if, it does as you say, and it extends in one direction 2 blocks, instead of the current 1, this way, no wasted space, and it takes the same number of docking enhancers!


    Dec 31, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Wired for Logic
    • Thinking Positive
    • Legacy Citizen 5
    I deleted my +1...

    You mean that each docking enhancer adds something like volume?

    This idea only solves one issue out of many - not things like triangular docking for either tall and high or low and broad ships.

    I would like a more general solution.

    EDIT: It just adds more complexity (you need to edit every docking slot carefully)