Divine Wind, Drones, Metropolis!

    Jun 24, 2013
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    I have played the game! I didn't play for too long, but hey, I'll play more sometime.

    Now, onto the suggestions!

    (+) Pro
    (-) Con

    Divine Wind:
    Simply put, constructive suicide. I'd love to have a ship rigged with explosives in case I'm going down and my only option is ramming speed and detonation. It would also let me roleplay extremist people (Terrorism!), and would allow architects to (for example) rig a city to blow sky high (for whatever reason).

    +Massive damage (CQC explosives and whatnot)

    -Bad shield penetration

    -The explosive must be placed as a block within your ship... if it's hit by enemy fire, it will detonate, dealing damage to your ship.

    Hello, Dave. And by "drone" I don't mean U.S. Predator drones, I mean robots capable of taking simple orders. I imagine being able to give these drones simple battle tactics, such as "Attack at long range, circle target, fire bursts." This would also be incredibly useful if Divine Wind was implemented. Imagine launching a score of suicide drones into the enemy! It would also allow the creation of Zerg/Tyranid-like swarm ships (for all you creative ya-hoos), and that would be neat.

    +Does not require a pilot


    -Only capable of taking basic instructions

    -Does not deviate from instructions


    -Slow reaction time & aiming (maybe?)

    Make one of the naturally-generated worlds be large NPC cities. I know this may cause lag (for bad computers), but it would be awesome! Tall, towering chrome skyscrapers reach high into the clouds as flying cars hover quickly from point to point. Think Coruscant from Starwars and you get the picture.

    Identification Computers:
    Allows other allied faction members to identify each other (bear with me). You would access the ID computer and type in a 10-digit code: every other ID computer with that same code would appear on your HUD with a green reticle on it, as well as a green name (you could name your ship with the ID computer). This would be utterly useful for automatic healing systems (bear with me some more). Imagine you launched thirty Drones (each built in the style of a Zerg corruptor/mutalisk/scourge), you could tell your healing beams to automatically heal damaged allied ships! The RP posabilities... they're over NINE HUNDRED!

    More suggestions will be added as my mind grows bored. ArgosCorp does not condone the crazy ideas of its CEO, Argos498, nor endorses them; we merely think that it's best for Argos to vent into the public, but we are pursuing house arrest or medical asylum.
    Jan 1, 2013
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    So there are disentegrator block in game already, and will likely completly fill the role you mentioned for \"divine wind\" once more controls are added.

    Drones in some form (ai ships) are partailly in game already, and with a planned improvement of the ai system (schema said he\'d do this at some point) your drones will also become a reality.

    City\'s generate on terran planets currently, although they are empty shells, with no life. Planets will also be updated in the future, so any more generation work don on them will have to wait until that occurs.

    Your dreaming of stuff schema plans :D be happy, and we cant wait to see you in game, good luck
    Jun 25, 2013
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    Your Identification Compters idea is effectively already in the game as Factions and Faction Modules.
    May 25, 2013
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    first, a warning: I HAVE NOT YET PLAYED STARMADE!

    everything I say MAY BE utter DERP, NOOBISHNESS & FAIL!

    Your prediction was accurate. What bothers me is that you went ahead and posted anyways , discarding common sense and elementary respect.


    Jul 19, 2013
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    Divine Wind: Racist. Your war guilt isn\'t high enough.

    Drones: Supports usage of drone strikes in peacetime = bad. US drones are robots; they do a lot of the piloting themselves. It doesn\'t matter if you explicitly state that these aren\'t US drones, because the latter is still included in your definition.

    Metropolis: ok


    Chronic Troublemaker
    Jun 23, 2013
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    1. Not racist at all. The way he described the feature was based off of a legitmate tactic that Japanese pilots used during WWII.

    2. I\'m not even sure how you got offended by that. OP was saying that they wouldn\'t be as advanced as drones, doing their own thinking.

    Overall analysis: I\'m not sure how sound your reasoning is, or you\'re trying (and failing) to troll.
    Jun 24, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 2
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    Not really sure how that got political\\racially oriented, nor do I see how posting without playing is disrespectful. If you dislike the fact that I haven\'t played yet, I suggest heeding the warning at the top of the page and not reading further next time.

    EDIT: Divine Wind was named after a historical event in Japan, look it up. It\'s not my fault the Japanese used it hundreds of years later as a name for an odd tactic in recent wars.