I find it odd how planets show up on the nav menu but stars, blackholes, wormholes, etc don't.
It'd be nice to be able to see them show up on the nav menu much further away than their kill areas. Say 2x their burn radius? Also the panel for their information could show their name, burn radius, size, sequence, color, heat levels, etc type info on there.
Very handy information when approaching the star so you can see if it's worth it or not to get near and if your ship can handle a light tanning from the thing.
It'd be nice to be able to see them show up on the nav menu much further away than their kill areas. Say 2x their burn radius? Also the panel for their information could show their name, burn radius, size, sequence, color, heat levels, etc type info on there.
Very handy information when approaching the star so you can see if it's worth it or not to get near and if your ship can handle a light tanning from the thing.