Display Bars

    Oct 23, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Community Content - Silver 1
    • Legacy Citizen 10
    Display Module Bars
    (I initially posted on Discord where it sparked some discussion.)
    The most recent StarMade release introduces new functionality to the, previously decorative, Console blocks. They now (aside from continuing to look rad,) allow players to remotely interact with various blocks. Players exploring an unfamiliar ship would be unaware whether a console serves a function, or is simply decorative.

    Here's the full list of console interactions, in case anyone hasn't played around with them yet:
    (These are copied from the changelogs)
    • Ship Core: Enters the Ship Core.
    • Build Block: Enters the Build Block.
    • Reactor Power: Opens the Reactor menu when activated.
    • Shipyard Computer: Opens the Shipyard Computer menu.
    • Faction Module: Opens the Faction Module.
    • AI Module: Opens the AI Module.
    • Shop Module: Opens the Shop menu.
    • Display Module: Opens the Display Module for editing.
    • You can also link it to Buttons and Activation modules for logic activation.
    • Added ability for Decorative Consoles to control Thrusters.
    • Added ability for Decorative Consoles to control Transporters.
    (As an unrelated side note, is there a reason why gravity modules weren't included?) - Upon inquiring, they were forgotten. lol

    When trying to come up with a solution to this 'problem' I feel a beneficial addition would be Display Module Bars

    A crude representation:
    1680484895591.png 1680484908742.png

    Design Philosophy

    Consoles vs Buttons

    In contrast to Buttons, Consoles serve a decorative purpose first, and functional purpose second. With a Button, there is often context clues to its purpose, whether its a nearby door, elevator, or airlock. While this isn't every situation, Buttons can typically operate independently from some type of Display Module label.

    Functional Consoles on the other hand serve a very different purpose. They allow players to interface with a ship system from a distance. This inherently eliminates potential for context clues towards their function. Furthermore, many Consoles retain the purpose of being simple decoration. This can further complicate players experience navigating unfamiliar ships.

    Display Bar Design

    The Display Module Bar would use the same asset as the Light Bars. Aside from aligning with established StarMade design philosophy, the Light bar specifically has an established indent which allows for inclusion of a text display. And strictly from the viewpoint of creating labels for Consoles, Bars already sit nicely atop the Consoles.

    Looking at Buttons again, the addition of the Small Button provided a block many builders found useful over the standard Button. The Small Button is an LOD, it draws the eye's attention. Small Buttons also boast a smaller footprint. They allow for a smoother transition between the button itself, and the surrounding blocks. Ultimately, I believe a Display Module Bar will fill the same role for a Display Module, that the Small Button provides for the standard Button.


    The usage that inspired the Display Bar is of course placing labels atop Consoles with a function. I believe there is a plethora of use cases which would present themselves with the inclusion of the Display Bar. Labels wouldn't only apply to Consoles of course, but also rooms, nametags, readouts... Anyone who's held a label maker can visualize the impulse.

    We already have the standard Display Module, so why Bars? Similarly to the Small Buttons discussed above, Display Modules have large footprints. They often require specialized detailing to fit in with the surrounding, often incorporated as part of a larger display screen, or some type of computer terminal. What about when you need to label a room? How many builds have you seen that utilize free-floating text to convey the purpose of a room, rather than try to incorporate a full Display Module into the wall? The desire for less intrusive signs exists, and Display Bars help provide an additional way to express that desire. Free-floating text would still have their benefits of course, it all comes down to personal preference. People already create beautiful heads-up displays that wouldn't be possible without this free-floating text trick.

    There are situations where Display Bars can provide possibilities free-floating text displays don't however. There are builders who incorporate password entries using Display Module logic. This is a situation where you have to present the physical Display Module to the astronaut such that they can interact with it. By adding Display Module Bars you maintain the functionality of that Display Module, while reaping the benefits of the smaller footprint. I have no doubt that with time other creative uses for these Display Bars would be discovered by builders, such as graphical meters/gauges, intricate patterns on chair arms, amongst dozens of other creative ideas.

    I have no experience with programming. As such I don't know the specific complications that would crop up with developing Display Module Bars. Even without this knowledge however, I can only imagine the complications involved with aligning the text planes. Display Module rotation is incredibly fickle, and Bar rotation is incredibly complex. As such, combining the two is undoubtedly a nightmare. Frankly if I had the necessary knowledge I would happily tackle this process myself, as I have grown rather passionate about the possibility of Display Bars.

    The orientation of text planes on Display Modules, as I understand, is already a desired feature. There are builds which incorporate rail-docked Display Modules simply to incorporate text in an orientation typically impossibly with the standard Display Module rotations. Allowing the orientation of text on Display Modules to be independent of the rotation of the Display Module would be beneficial.
    Again, no coding experience, but this separate addition may also alleviate some of the headache surrounding Display Module Bar rotation by separating the rotation and text orientation. Additionally, allowing Display Module Bar text to have free orientation would also allow bonus features, such as Corner Display Bars allowing text to face upright regardless of if it was a bottom corner, or a top corner. Similarly standard Display Bars would have the added possibility of functioning as vertical signs, or vertical meters.

    Ultimately however, it would not shock me if the implementation of text orientation is incredibly complex.

    Temporary Solutions
    If your reading this thread, and simply wondering what could be done to help define the function of a Console in a way that is user-friendly to players, pictured below is my current solution to this 'problem' if you will. Ultimately its not a huge problem of course, but as someone who appreciates user-friendly builds, I figured I would share my thoughts.


    This solution does have drawbacks of course; (which I believe the Display Module Bar could solve)
    • Currently, as mentioned above, Display Modules have limited rotational capabilities. In order to face the Console in any other direction, you must attach a Display Module on a separate, rail-docked entity, which is then rotated, such that the text plane aligns properly in the desired orientation.​
    • Limited spaces such as a fighter cockpit, (where these functional consoles are most useful) may not have space to allocate for the hidden Display Module to extend text on top of a Console. This is especially an issue with cases such as the prior bullet.​
    • This solution would eliminates the potential creativity cultivated by the inclusion of the Display Module Bar, such as Door Signs, Password Keypads, and other undiscovered applications.​
    • And this is simply personally preference, but I find this type of inscribed text to be less visually appealing then being displayed on some type of screen.

    In Conclusion...

    Thanks to anyone who read this thread through, I hope one day Display Module Bars can become a reality in some capacity. I believe their potential value is significant, and would have a slew of potential applications. I certainly spent way to long making this thread, but the concept has just been stewing in my mind for the past few days, and I wanted to get my thoughts out there. I have no illusions regarding StarMade's developmental state. Even if this idea was appreciated, there's very limited that could be done about it, and I fully understand that.


    Eldrich Timelord
    Jan 16, 2014
    Reaction score
    I totally agree.

    TT pritty much figure out all the variations of holo text long time ago. be nice to see an upgrade.

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    Jul 1, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Legacy Citizen 8
    • Community Content - Bronze 1
    I like this suggestion. It also is similar to an old suggestion I had in the past, of turning the bars and corners into decorative interfaces or keyboards.

    I didnt even know about the update until i read this post, just tried it out; immediate server crash on trying to interact with the console without linking it to anything. Bug report!
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