the epidemic I see here, is that many are blinded by their own grandios visions of "what it could be", they can no longer see, how good StarMade could have been, if it was just finished, everything got balanced, and worked.
The game needs to go forward hard with updates,we are all here alpha testers. I am not playing currently because of the things you mentioned,but we need to understand that game must have big updates that could break things badly. once the game features are in,then we fix the bugs in a large sweep,and bim bam bom,the game is ready for public
EDIT* also hot damn,that is a lot of new stuff that is gonna be added or changed. a whole new game! but the one I always imagined it should be.
get ready to start alpha testing a whole new game, or at least
very different one, the StarMade which has engaged so many for so long, despite its broken/buggy alpha status, will "essentially be a different game".
We have already had "big updates", that caused many to "rage quit".
We already have a
bunch of Features, half implemented and broke.
The universe ought to be as compact as possible. How it is right now is catastrophic. Theres no reason to interact and its just simply very unlikely to interact with another player with a large galaxy.
Lol, theres no exploration when every system is just a copy paste with a different colour hue. If theres far away systems to explore that have riches or something unique then yes itd be exploration but having a large copy-paste galaxy to "explore" is not what Id call exploration. Rather have a smaller one with more interesting stuff promoting player interaction.
I have seen the maps, full of the "ill fated" single man factions, the players themselves are the cause, not the size of the map, most never leave the main galaxy anyway. I suspect, the new compact map will not change this mentality either.
I believe people who want to interact will (history proves it), and many will eventually, when they are ready.
It may not always be "good for business", to run off players that would
eventually interact and contribute good content, by forcing them into competetive rts and pvp all time, constantly, neverending, many will loose interest, (history also proves this).
As far as exploration goes, copy paste is pretty hard, in reality they are not all the same, planets have different orbits, some don't even have asteroid belts, etc... This is also where "server concepts" come in, like Yogswarm, SunWorld, Star Wars etc... making each universe unique.
This "built to last a few weeks", and "resets with a global leader boards" may very well be the end of custom servers, too much work involved.
Exploration riches... we know the routine, the powerblock controls the best resources, the rest get to settle for scraps (history proves this too).
I am not looking to argue, just simply expand on what was posted...
"It's all in a perspective", and there is no "single correct one", they are all parts of the "greater whole".
Most of these "counter" arguments have already been made, there is one for every perspective, the trick is: to get the "big picture".
... but I guess, ya'll are getting what you want, seems Schine has already made the dissisions to turn StarMade into an RTS.
... getting TLTW, see you in space!
... maybe.
Edit: I worded it extremely bad, apologies, it was just a generalized statement, no pun intended