Discontent among the ranks...

    Dec 7, 2016
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    Ok, I have to say something.....

    DOES ANYONE CARE?? That these crass/heartless and careless programmer types
    who think it's ok, to change things, without a THOUGHT to the players?

    They are going to INVALIDATE every Ship and Base THAT you've worked on...

    Remember all the TIME and frustration to get it right? I sure do...

    Seems to me that THEY don't care at all. OR worse yet, don't even KNOW what there doing to the players?

    This new POWER thing is going to DO exactly that. MAKE everyone's creations mean NOTHING.

    GEE I wonder if we'll have to start ALL over in a month or two AGAIN.

    Totally PISSED off and TIRED of being a rat in a maze.

    And why would I want to stay in a game that I really liked.... TO START ALL OVER AGAIN AN AGAIN.


    Nov 30, 2015
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    Ok, I have to say something.....
    I see David Lynch is writing for you. o___O
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    Mar 9, 2014
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    Ok, I have to say something.....

    DOES ANYONE CARE?? That these crass/heartless and careless programmer types
    who think it's ok, to change things, without a THOUGHT to the players?

    They are going to INVALIDATE every Ship and Base THAT you've worked on...

    Remember all the TIME and frustration to get it right? I sure do...

    Seems to me that THEY don't care at all. OR worse yet, don't even KNOW what there doing to the players?

    This new POWER thing is going to DO exactly that. MAKE everyone's creations mean NOTHING.

    GEE I wonder if we'll have to start ALL over in a month or two AGAIN.

    Totally PISSED off and TIRED of being a rat in a maze.

    And why would I want to stay in a game that I really liked.... TO START ALL OVER AGAIN AN AGAIN.
    You know.

    Anyone who came to play Starmade knows.

    Because Starmade isn't a game yet. It's still taking shape. Things will change, hell, the whole game might be remade from the ground up.

    You KNOW this, because the game isn't even in beta yet. Nothing you build is ever going to be guaranteed to last until the game is completed. So how dare you blame the developers for your own misplace expectations?
    Sep 5, 2013
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    There's a reason I don't make big ships.
    There's a reason I don't get attached to the ships I make.
    Anyone who's been playing the game for any length of time learns to adjust to the possibility of ship-killing changes, or stops playing games in development.
    Mar 30, 2013
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    Just go into cryogenic stasis for 5 years or so, the game should be fairly close to complete (or Beta) by then.

    ; ))))

    I could have sworn that it was said the current power system would still work.
    Jan 27, 2016
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    You won't have to start over. You'll just have to rework the system blocks on the ships you already have. Shields, thrusters, weapons aren't changing and there will be a transition period where the old power system will still work in conjunction with the new system. You can even change your config file to keep using the old power system indefinitely if you prefer. The new fill tool will help tremendously with doing this efficiently.

    I'm looking forward to the new power/chamber system, it sounds a lot more interesting then what we have. I even got a little excited last night and started sketching out a 3rd design style I want to try out once it hits :-p

    And from reading the dev blogs this is the last and final large scale ship-breaking system change that needs to be done to get the ship construction system nailed down so they can move on to adding mechanics to start making Starmade a full on game.

    I tease a bit when I say this, but I'm not certain you fully understand what "Alpha" means. ;)
    Jun 21, 2013
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    i wonder when will people understand that alpha means that the game is not finished or set in stone and game changing changes can happen
    May 8, 2015
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    I think a lot of the new build tools are supposed to help with the switch. I have faith in Schine. Sure, they may be slow, but they are an indie development team with only a handful of programmers. I would rather have a small team take longer and change the game countless times in order to have my dream game than have a large group ram out a title that doesn't satisfy me for a long period of time. This team has the long term goals in mind.
    May 26, 2013
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    Alpha game is alpha. Changes are expected. Adapt or die.
    Resistance is futile.
    we are Borg
    [doublepost=1496980185,1496979467][/doublepost]On a serious note though:

    The game IS in the alpha stage of development. These changes are expected, and are normally for the better.
    We have had the same (broken) power system for 4-5 years now. It's an old mechanic that simply doesn't match up with the rest of StarMade.

    Lets review it, shall we?

    Weapons: Groups
    Shielding: Groups
    Shield regeneration: ...Groups
    Rail mass enhancers : More groups Groups
    Thrust: You guessed it, Groups
    Current power system: Lines with a softcap at 2mil e/sec /shrug

    The newly proposed system will mean linear gains for your reactor (also, as one group for the main reactor), and (hopefully) make combat more fun with redundant power supplies, actual reactor targeting and smart reactor design.

    If you're worried about refitting - check the devblogs. We have build tools to easily strip out the old systems of a ship, as well as new build tools in the works such as fill and line. This will make it much easier to refit your ships with a new system.

    If you STILL don't like the idea of adapting to a new, and objectively better system that suits StarMades mechanics much more appropriately, so be it. There will be a transitional period where both new and old systems exist, so as to ease the community in to the new mechanics.

    In short, chill out. The game you love is going through puberty.


    Convicted Lancake Abuser
    Apr 14, 2013
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    Ok, I have to say something.....

    DOES ANYONE CARE?? That these crass/heartless and careless programmer types
    who think it's ok, to change things, without a THOUGHT to the players?

    They are going to INVALIDATE every Ship and Base THAT you've worked on...

    Remember all the TIME and frustration to get it right? I sure do...

    Seems to me that THEY don't care at all. OR worse yet, don't even KNOW what there doing to the players?

    This new POWER thing is going to DO exactly that. MAKE everyone's creations mean NOTHING.

    GEE I wonder if we'll have to start ALL over in a month or two AGAIN.

    Totally PISSED off and TIRED of being a rat in a maze.

    And why would I want to stay in a game that I really liked.... TO START ALL OVER AGAIN AN AGAIN.
    Word of advice, don't get attached to any systems you build. They can and will be broken. Your hulls? Your hulls will always be good. Save your empty hulls before you put systems in them so you can easily put new systems in in the future.

    If your ships are only systems, sucks to be you. Maybe invest in some aesthetics next time so you have something to salvage when you need to start over from the beginning again.

    It's an alpha game. Things change. We've been through this half a dozen times before. You should be used to it. Get over it.


    Eldrich Timelord
    Jan 16, 2014
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    And why would I want to stay in a game that I really liked.... TO START ALL OVER AGAIN AN AGAIN.
    did you hold shift to caps those parts so the internet would feel it, or use the capslock key to save the effort?:-p

    seriously though, i agree partly that "start-up" time in SM is annoying. Be nice to have a star-dock ship that persisted between universes. or access to better 'newbie freebies' at stick shops.
    Jun 27, 2013
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    seriously though, i agree partly that "start-up" time in SM is annoying. Be nice to have a star-dock ship that persisted between universes. or access to better 'newbie freebies' at stick shops.
    To be fair, quite a few of the ships at the dock get updated fairly quickly, as long as the author is still interested and active. Which on the other hand is why I'm reluctant to upload any ships, as I can't and won't guarantee I'd constantly update them, and they'd soon become useless if I don't.

    Best to stick with Lecic's advice and save your empty hulls, if you're building aesthetically. I tend to build "inside out", hull last, so that doesn't usually work for me, but it might for you.
    Jun 17, 2015
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    Feed me your tears. If all you care about is your ships and not the game then sucks to be you. The criticism may suck but many of us have been vying for improvement. Systems need a rework no doubt. Losing designs is a fair tradeoff. As people have said all you lose is systems not aesthetics and interiors. Logic and rails are quite OK as well. Power and systems are the only tings affected. Are you going to whine when the power output of your ship is close to other PVPers of the same size? Power is going to be made easier and systems more straightforward. Most likely, the performance of your ships is going to increase! I don't get it why would you be mad about that? Did you think the building was ever going to stop? :-p
    Feb 27, 2014
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    This is pretty funny :3
    You can always download/play past versions all the way back to 2014 if you want,theres nothing stopping you.
    The rest of us will support the devs in improving and realising the potential of this game.
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    Jul 12, 2014
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    Ah, it's the alpha discussion again, nah, I ain't gonna bother... :LOL:




    Jan 12, 2015
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    Ok, I have to say something.....

    DOES ANYONE CARE?? That these crass/heartless and careless programmer types
    who think it's ok, to change things, without a THOUGHT to the players?

    They are going to INVALIDATE every Ship and Base THAT you've worked on...

    Remember all the TIME and frustration to get it right? I sure do...

    Seems to me that THEY don't care at all. OR worse yet, don't even KNOW what there doing to the players?

    This new POWER thing is going to DO exactly that. MAKE everyone's creations mean NOTHING.

    GEE I wonder if we'll have to start ALL over in a month or two AGAIN.

    Totally PISSED off and TIRED of being a rat in a maze.

    And why would I want to stay in a game that I really liked.... TO START ALL OVER AGAIN AN AGAIN.
    You're playing a game in Alpha for free, this stuff is normal administration, besides the hulls can still be used.


    Eldrich Timelord
    Jan 16, 2014
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    To be fair, quite a few of the ships at the dock get updated fairly quickly, as long as the author is still interested and active. Which on the other hand is why I'm reluctant to upload any ships, as I can't and won't guarantee I'd constantly update them, and they'd soon become useless if I don't.

    Best to stick with Lecic's advice and save your empty hulls, if you're building aesthetically. I tend to build "inside out", hull last, so that doesn't usually work for me, but it might for you.
    I meant for new-spawns or 'lost my stuff to random encounter' situations. I understand new-spawn equipment is delegated to server-owners right now, but i think there needs to be "official-built" decent newbie ships for the starting players.
    OP may also have issues with learning new rules and "lost time" spent on older ships. I'm mainly addressing part of the "start from scratch" problem they brought up as well.