Bug Disappearing ships and ghost stations

    Jun 21, 2014
    Reaction score
    I have noticed 2 frustrating bugs, both in single player.

    First, my ship keeps disappearing when I re-log. This happens when I exit when I'm in my ship. This is extremely frustrating, because I'm tired of starting over.

    Second, ghost stations. I have tried visiting several stations, but when I get to one, it's not there. When I leave the sector it was in, the icon on the map disappears. I've also been discovering shops which just randomly appear, but haven't been previously shown on the map. I was curious and jumped to several stations. They either were not there, or it was a "Prate station".
    Jun 21, 2014
    Reaction score
    I have fixed the issue with ship cores, but strangely wherever I find a station which isn't there, I seem to discover a shop too in the area which was previously not on the map.