Dis-Integrator uses

    Oct 5, 2013
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    Well, as all we know, dis-integrator now are practically useless. This is because the most of their uses have a downside that not compensate the good ones. So I have two ideas for make more useful the Dis-integrators or other block with dynamics similar to dis-Integrators:

    -First: make it stable. I mean that the only way to make it explode is with logic and not with a shot. Futhermore, to avoid that it would be used to attack others ships it only can damage blocks of the ship/station where is placed. With this block we could build autodestruction systems for the ship without the downside of be activated in a fight by the enemy ship.

    -Second: make it a good weapon. How? Simply givin it the ability to ignore shields. As they must have been prepared before the battle and they are only one use, they would make another way to defeat a ship than the bigger the betterand the downsides of him make it enought unestable that if you have not planned well, or even if the other have spoted the explosives, cannot make any damage or even damage your own ships.

    Post if you have another ideas to make disintegrators useful.
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    The Cake Network Staff Senior button unpusher
    Jun 21, 2013
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    For the stability thing, I think that it should be armable. When you first trigger it with logic or R, nothing happens, but the block loses its stability, and turns into what we have now. This would mean that you have to manually activate it before firing it at someone, leaving you unable to fire other weapons because you are out of the core.
    May 6, 2013
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    Something that I have wanted to see since the early days of Starmade has been Dockable torpedoes that can be shot down, but do huge damage. Provided Schema agrees, it would take a few changes. One of them IS Disintigrators ignoring shields!
    I personally use Dis-intigrators on most of my ships, for both fusion reactors and notional ammunition storage. I would not mind seeing these become independent blocks, but I am not holding my breath. The addition of inherently unstable blocks for fuel storage, unstable reactions, or missile warheads can add to the risk of loading pallets of missiles, being near a ship that takes a serious hit, or generally makes space a somewhat more dangerous place. I think they need to stay unstable.
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