Different shields?

    Jul 16, 2013
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    Well I was thinking about how whenever you get close to a sun it damages your hull. Well why don't they add a shield that can go through a sun but only for a small amount of time(Depending on how many of it you use)
    and then add like a solar pannel or something that can get energy from the sun! You could make a seed ship from Stargate universe or soemthing!
    Shields that can go through suns and solar panels that can get energy from it
    Aug 10, 2013
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    I thought that making a few different shield types that react better against certain weapons would be a better idea, This would obviously be a long term idea when we have more variation on types of weapons. If weapons were classed in future (eg; kinetic, energy, plasma ect....) then you could have one type of shielding that protects better against one and is less effective against the other (the third behaving normally).
    Jun 29, 2013
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    And solar power generators would only be viable if they were substantially stronger then standard ones in some way (perhaps if they had a much larger base generation, but did NOT scale with dimensions, making them suitable for small in-system ships but less so for large ones where dimension scaling causes standard generators to be better).

    If you want realism nitpicking, which doesn\'t have much point really, then shields wouldn\'t really help against the sun very much since they appear to be translucent when not being disturbed. Which means that light can go right through them, making them useless for avoiding the heating effects (and lasers, really, which is something even the more realistic sci-fi settings that have shields tend to conveniently ignore).

    Fortunately, completely realistic is boring relative to treating space like a 3D ocean like many settings do, and so there is no reason game-wise why there couldn\'t be some means of making solar radiation blockable via the shields.

    On the note of shields though, some ideas of my own:

    1. Directional shields (which unfortunately will require a significant re-work of some code to function so may not be too viable). Have 6 shield banks, which take hits based on which side of the ship is hit (preferably calculated either via which section of the ship is hit, i.e. front rear top quadrant or front bottom front quadrant, or by the angle of the incoming damage, rather then which side of the block a hit lands on, or else hits to the underside of a ship bridge on the \"top\" will cause \"bottom\" shields to decrease). Draining one shield bank allows shots to get through on that side, even if the other shield banks are still up.

    Depending on how combat and weapon mechanics evolve as the game improves, this could result in a situation where large ships often rotate around to fire side-weapons or something at enemies, so as to change which shield is taking the most hits and give them more survivability against each other. A small ship of course would not be prone to this, as it would have maneuverability at a level that allows it to stay on one side of a large enough vessel even if its trying to turn away, and so the small ship would only need to worry about getting through a single shield bank, as opposed to larger ships which (against decent pilots) would need to get through 3 or 4 sides worth of shields (more counting the ones that regenerate while the opposite side is taking the brunt).

    2. Rework regeneration some more. Perhaps nerf even it more, but allow it to continue in combat. While also adding a feature that regenerates 10% shields per second if the ship has not been hit by anything in the last 30 or 60 seconds. So as to allow large ships to get their shields up within a reasonable time frame before they need worry about getting into fights.

    If directional shields were implimented, then the current regeneration system is actually not bad, since rotating the ship around like some Star Trek games would allow the lower shields to get a chance to not be hit by facing them away from incoming shots.

    Of course, before worrying about shields and combat too much, addressing manueverability in some fashion is needed. As it stands, large ships turn too slow and accelerate too fast. And small cap ships or large \"fighters\" and gunships turn MUCH too slow. The turning issue can be partly solved by adjusting the size scaling until a more proper system is done (i.e. ship turn rates decrease at a slower rate as size increases; large ships will still be slow turning but anything larger then a 30ish meter gunship will no longer be just as bad).

    On that note, I honestly think it wouldn\'t be bad to add a bit of unrealism in this regard. Since space in this game already has \"drag,\" may as well make it more like the sorts of drag you see in oceangoing ships. That is, their primary directions are forwards and backwards, and they tend to have substantially less acceleration and speed going sideways (and up/down since this is a space game). If people want to have classical feels to their space capital ships, they shouldn\'t be strafing side to side like angry hornets.
    Jun 19, 2013
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    You are incorrect, shields are quantom electromagnetic fields that disrupt the atomic makeup of elements that pass through the event because it can mess with the electron count of everything that enters it, thus atomically changing it and forming new elements, thought with that you can conclude that it can create stable elements that would cling or float away, but the truth is that most if not all of what happens during that is that most are unstable isotopes, which renders all objects useless against them, Although, it does require a large amount of energy to sustain a quantum magnetic \"force field\". A better idea would be to have an element that needs to be cooled to the negetive ?273.15°C\' to go arround the 130mil+*C temps that nuclear fusion (the sun) creates as a by product of the collision between helium and deuterium (most common) or what ever other combo it has, it may even be a fission sun.
    Jul 11, 2013
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    I\'m just saying, it seems a LITTLE far fetched.

    Not that the idea of having shields is actually workable with modern-day tech. A journey into space will likely result in cancer and early cataracts. Such is the elderly life of pioneer astronauts exposed to radiation from supernovas. At least, that is what I understand it to be (or how Brian Cox explained it).
    Jun 19, 2013
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    It is far fetched and I didnt mean to say that, actually, ?273.15°C is the coldest temperature possible, not 200mil, and you cant make it that cold cause it will start exibiting quantom events, but close to absolute zero is the point of what I was trying to make, thanks for noticing that.
    Jun 25, 2013
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    Sorry, but what you are saying is complete bullshit. There is no precedent based in reality for what you are saying, you are spewing out technobabble faster than Spock, and randomly inserting \"quantom\" into every sentence does absolutely nothing to help your credibility. Furthermore, anyone who\'s studied physics would know that it is impossible to sustain nuclear fusion at temperatures under 250-300 million degrees fahrenheit and that magnetic fields by themselves do not disrupt the structure of protons and neutrons in an atom and thus cannot create other elements.

    Any actual energy shielding would likely be a combination of very powerful magnetic fields and plasma. It would be able to redirect or vaporize any incoming projectiles and disrupt lasers and solar radiation. Research is already underway to create a magnetic shield to protect astronauts from radiation on the way to Mars.
    Jun 19, 2013
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    You seem mad, I dont understand why you are getting so mad because I am right in what I have said,

    I am right in saying it would be a quantom magnetic field(not just throwing this name arround buddy):http://www.teorfys.lu.se/staff/Andreas.Wacker/Scripts/quantMagnetField.pdf

    I am right in saying it would be arround 130mil*C to heat it to obtain nuclear fusion, so youre a moron to not notice I used centigrade: http://www.iter.org/sci/plasmaheating

    Also, messing with any of the proton, neutron or electron count ALWAYS changes the element, I dont understand why you say it doesnt because thats what the periodic table is baisically about with regards to valence electrons and atomic mass (stuff inside, so if you change it you change the element) I also have no idea why you didnt catch this because you would change the element and make a new one, be it an isotope or another element.

    And what you describe as an energy shielding is the structure of a takomak reactor, where a magnetic field holds back the temperature and plasma, not practicle for shielding a ship.

    Also, anything that enters a quantom magnetic field is atomically disrupted, otherwise why the hell would you use it if it went straight through, and or, lost all of its kenetic energy and landed right outside of the field.proof: http://www.physics.sfsu.edu/~lea/courses/ugrad/360notes15.PDF

    Please try to calm down.
    Jul 25, 2013
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    Starmade isn\'t a simulator at all... Its a 3d space shooter. Trying to make it realistic would make it probably to a way too complex and pretty much unplayable at all while it doesn\'t make the game better in any way.
    A good game needs to focus on a good gameplay balance and such.

    And remember: complex =/= good
    Jun 29, 2013
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    If you can SEE THROUGH a shield, then the only way a shield can realistically block lasers (made of photons) is to become opaque BEFORE the laser reaches it. This also applies to sunlight (since shields often do become a color in many settings, including starmade, it would be concievable to just set the entire shield to turn opaque when near a star to protect the ship). It IS possible that shields can be made to be opaque to non-visible spectrum waves like infrared and microwave, but that would only allow them to passively protect against light-based weapons of those wavelengths.

    The only real way to protect against lasers with a shield that is transparent by default is if you detect energy spikes that indicate they are about to fire it at you, and your defensive systems can calculate where it is aimed and make the shield in that area turn opaque to absorb that light-based attack.

    It is a moot point since this game does not HAVE lasers, of course. It has blasters (specifically, anti-matter cannons supposedly). And many sci-fi settings have \"lasers\" that definitely do not behave like normal light does (for starters, they tend to be visible to observers and be substantially slower then light). Besides, we don\'t really need to worry about realism in shields in THIS game of all things. Let them sop up solar radiation or don\'t, it doesn\'t matter outside of being a game mechanic. If they do allow it, they just need to do something so its a bad idea to actually ENTER a star. Moreso then just making it 666 power radiation intensity.
    Aug 10, 2013
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    Gameplay and fun come before realism, any differences between shield types like I mentioned previously would be small, thus, avoiding making a ship useless against a ship with a different weapon system. Take for example the \"Halo\" shield system. Anyone that played the game a fair bit would realize that plasma worked better against shields and was less effective against other things. It\'s small additions like that that have helped make it a success.
    Jul 26, 2013
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    Different shields?

    Well I was thinking about how whenever you get close to a sun it damages your hull. Well why don\'t they add a shield that can go through a sun but only for a small amount of time(Depending on how many of it you use)
    and then add like a solar pannel or something that can get energy from the sun! You could make a seed ship from Stargate universe or soemthing!
    Shields that can go through suns and solar panels that can get energy from i

    Techincally under current mechanics you wouldnt need any of these. A few things about the sun:

    • The damage is ray based, emitting from the center of the stars sectors, and as long as your not directly in the same sector as the sun it only does 80 damage. Enough that even crap materials like rock can take 2 hits. Harden hulls are good for 5 hits. But it hits often.
    • If you are in the same sector it does 666 damage but less often. So it eats the first layer of your ship facing the center of the sector, then stops for more than a minute in my testing.
    • Ships are the only thing damage by the sun, not stations, planets, asteroids, or players. Also you can dock a ship at a faction home inside the sun and make it immune to damage.

    Ive tested all those bullet points. All of that said, you can slap 5 layers of rock on your ship, and sun dive very well. Just stop occionally to check the outer layer. It doesnt even have to be on all sides, just padded very wide on the front side. You can also stop on a oribiting abandon station or asteroid until it rotates while you make repairs.

    As for solar panels, given the current stacking mechanic for power generators these could actually be useful if they worked solely on exposure to sun light with no other stacking limitation. They would be more efficient mostly for stations and planet bases near the star of a solar system, but fairly useless for ships that need a more constant mobile power source.
    Jun 19, 2013
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    But I took a literal point, and you cant see a magnetic field, and it doesnt matter if its transparent, it still distorts and disrupts atomic structures, no matter what is thrown at it. I understand you are using the game\'s logic, which is fine and works.
    Jun 29, 2013
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    The reason why you shouldn\'t fly too close to a sun isn\'t because of plasma (unless you are also flying into a coronal eruption to boot). Its because of the very large amount of photons that hit you. Which is why I was nitpicking about that. Which as I stated matters not anyway because we don\'t need to worry about realism.

    Photons are not atomic structures. They are photons. They have no neutrons, no electrons, no protons, because they are not atoms. They can interact WITH said things in various ways, of course, and such ways result in you seeing something if its visible-wavelengths that are doing the interacting.

    If a magnetic field DID affect photons, then you WOULD see it.