Different Missile-System & Types

    Aug 1, 2013
    Reaction score
    So, at the moment we have a CPU and Missile blocks for each type of Missile.

    Missiles are kinda weak right now, so i thought about a different mechanic.

    Only one Missile CPU and only one kind of Barrel.
    New Missile-Items with seperated stats and effects.
    More Launcher-Blocks increase the base-stats of the Missile.
    Missile-CPU has an Inventory that you can fill with different Missiles

    Press R on the CPU and it opens an inventory, where you can fill in Missile-Items, like you would put your Blocks into a Chest.

    Now mount your turret, press T to open the Weapon Config, and choose a Missile Type for your launcher.
    Press Fire - Watch the Missile fly.
    Maybe there could even be a hotkey to switch between different kinds/slots of Missiles.

    If your launcher has multiple seperated barrels, each shot will take multiple Missiles out of your inventory, based on the amount of guns you have (logical, right?)

    Easier Implementation of new Missile-Types
    Possibly more crafting options through customized Missiles
    Less space needed because you wont need thousands of different Launchers to reach a decent value.

    Limited Ammo
    Some ships without pathways become harder to manage

    New kinds of rockets:
    - Swarm Missile - One single Missile that splits into multiple smaller projectiles before impact (Radius = Amount of projectiles)
    - EMP - High Shield and Energy damage, but no hull damage.
    - Hull-Breaker - No Shield damage, very low Radius, but high explosion depth.
    - Flare - Just to get rid of KB and BB Missiles.
    - Marker - Dumb-Fire Missile, hit target and it gets "locked" for your BB Missiles without aiming at it
    - AI-Module - a feature for KB Missiles, where you can program what they will track (great for carriers)
    - Nuke - Very High Damage, very High Radius, but very, very slow. you could fly faster than this thing moves, but if it hits...Doomsday. good for planet or station bombing.

    the clue of the mentioned crafting would be, that you could combine different kinds of Missiles through crafting. maybe with different modules that are combined into one Missile at the end. more modules = more material, more time, higher value.
    Maybe...like the Minecraft Fireworks...just with more boom.

    Possible combinations?
    - A heat seaking swarm missiles, that shoots a single missile at the target, and before it hits it spreads into several smaller projectiles to deal more damge,
    - A d1000 Missile with increased base-damage but reduced speed,
    - A KB Swarm Missile with AI module, that spreads into multiple KB Heatseakers who only target enemy ships, and not your own...
    or even a KB Nuke, one flare and it is gone, or just move fast enough to get rid of it, but if it hits you...not funny

    also: you could buy basic missiles at shops (if they have them in stock) but to get a really good missile, you need to fabricate them.
    May 6, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Legacy Citizen 5
    Yes, I agree with this. I would advise having missiles be non-stackable, so that each CPU can only have a certain number. In addition, the missile \"tubes\", the current missile launch blocks, would impart a certain base velocity to the missile, based on their number. A long-range missile system would require a 50+ long tube, while fighters could have a quite small tube that imparts very low starting velocity.
    Aug 1, 2013
    Reaction score
    as mentioned, the launcher tubes would still affect the base-values a bit.
    it would make sense if it wont affect the explosion itself, but speed/distance, precision etc.

    For the slots i would say, that the amount of slots would be limited, not the stacksize itself.
    if you coul put in only like 10 rockets, you would need to run to your CPU after each shot (if you have more than one barrel), would be more pain than it would be usefull
    Jul 31, 2013
    Reaction score
    Perhaps instead of loading missiles into the computer, you connect together Magazines or something similar? Right clicking any one of the magazines will bring up the inventory (slot size increase by connected magazines) where you can add missiles. Then make explosive, so you\'ll want to keep them safe from enemy fire.