DIfferent docking?

    Feb 28, 2014
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    Do what space engineers did, and make the docking thing a block.

    prefer starmade over space engineers just as much as the next guy, but maybe we could do something like the docking system there - get close, and attach. Obviously you would have to make it so enemy factions cant dock on each-other's space stations/planets, but wouldn't it be cool to launch a spy ship with cloak systems to attach it'self to faction ships, and follow them back to base? or "sticky bomb" ships, that explode to make holes in the hull?

    You could also make it so that the total weight/mass of docked ships cannot exceed half the weight of the ship being docked at (and the more ships are docked, the slower the ship moves)

    >So after all of that badly worded nonsense

    Is a engineeresque docking system a good idea? Did anything i just say make sense at all?
    Sep 5, 2013
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    I'm excited to hear that a rework of the docking system is in the cards, based on the update notes for .1862. I was worried that Schema had put docking to rest given that it already got a rework sometime ago. Players have long wanted to have more control over the direction ships dock in, and I think there have been some other great ideas that could be implemented, as well.

    I like the idea of allowing players to place a docking block anywhere on their ship that will pair with the docking block of another ship. This lets both players determine where and how their ship docks to someone else. Having ships dock to the ship core's location has always been an awkward affair, since the location of the ship core is usually tied more to the bridge layout than where the ship parks.

    I would like your idea for docking to be something...different. Your description reminds me of the Millenium Falcon attaching to the Empire's star destroyer and then unlinking to float away when they jettisoned their trash. Such a docking system would be great if it could be tied to the push/pull beams to make a more dynamic tractor beam. It would also be great for starting a boarding action on another ship - something that is currently missing from the game (and I hope will become viable once a new damage system is implemented.)