Detonating ship cores (allow me to explain)

    Nov 19, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen
    allow me to explain what im thinking here.

    rarely in any kind of science fiction series do you see big ships die instantaniously, little ships sure, but big ships? when yur ship takes damage in starmade you can become disabled or if your destroyed then your core explodes taling some blocks with it.

    what im suggesting is a two point concept that

    1. wen a ship takes enough damage to destroy the ship core it goes into overload. basically it would cuase some blocks of the ship to explode over time witch would be dependent on the size of the ship. in addition you would not die immediatly but could attempt to run throughyour exploding ship in an attempt to get to an escape pod or smaller ship.

    this would also make it more important to control your weapons when attacking another ship as it would be even wors if you destroyed it instead of just disabled it.

    2. give ships cores, or these cores, the ability to self destruct. a self desctructing core will create an explosion that does about 2/3 to 3/4 the amount of damage to your ships health. example. i you ship has 1000 health , then it takes 750 from a self destruct. the self destruct explosion radius would be rouglhy 50% larger than the size of the ship in all directions from it.

    this could allow a few things, the most major one is it could alow peopel that no they are going to lose to leave the winner with nothing to salvage, or little to salvage and would allow them one last stab at there oponent to make them regret attacking them.

    this kind of action would be more for capitol class ships as the large the ship the more damage it would cuase and the bigger the explosion.

    the other thing it coul do could also be over used, and that is suiide runs. flying your large capitol ship, or even a fighter at the enemy ship and letting it self destruct to destroy ships or parts of ships, like turrets.

    to deal with this worry the self destructible core would likely hve to be much more expensive than a normal core, but im sure there are people that would use it for many reasons.

    what do you think?
    Nov 19, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen
    a ships health would be defined how it normally is, the combined amunt og hp points from all the blocks that mke it up


    Nov 14, 2013
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    There IS currently no definition of a ship\'s health, aside from shields... I doubt that the game even adds up total damage points after shields.
    Nov 19, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen
    all blocks have health points associated to them. if they do not add p in the ship health bar then what does? if they did not ( which i honestly doubt) it would be a simple matter to make a health bar for the hsip, which it already has
    Jul 1, 2013
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    I would use the explosion based upon the available power output. So this could be used as a tactic to disable as much power blocks as you can before taking on a vessels core.

    Also the explosion should happen when it is destroyed as well. This would clear the amount of blocks around the core that could be used.
    Nov 16, 2013
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    Thank you for pressing the self destruct button.

    5....4....3....2...1...-8...just kidding, BOOM.