delayed/spoilered publication of survival elements in coming updates

    Jul 20, 2014
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    ok so maybe this isnt exactly a suggestion for the game it self. but more in how the upcoming updates (which will surely be having a large impact on survival gameplay) are posted. perhaps not everyone will agree with this. but being a survival freak i cant help but ask.

    can features which might have a great effect on survival gameplay be spoilered in the update posts? or something like that? like my idea is that it can be great amounts of fun to encounter new features ingame without prior knowledge of them being added. like imagine if this was minecraft alpha or something and creepers were added secretly in the last update. or where in a spoilered tag in the update notes which survival players are encouraged to ignore, or read a week later or something. then your playing your world for a bit until you encounter this weird green walking penis thing....maybe i should go say hi to it? = great ONE TIME ONLY first experience with a feature.

    so ya thats my idea. i post this now as probably the next coming updates might have various additions that might be fun to encounter in this unknowing manner.
    Aug 11, 2013
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    I see what you mean, but i don't think its really necessary. The updates are currently posted with headlines. For example the last update was split into Infinate Chain Docking, Bug Fixes, Optimizations and Other Things. Now you could just read those titles and decide what might effect how you play the game before reading in detail. This might still give you a general idea that somethings happened, but it wouldnt be anything more than that.
    As per your example, the title for the part of the update that would have talked about adding the creepers may have just read "New Creatures Added" So you would know that theres something new to encounter, but you'd know its a new creature immediatly upton seeing it and i don't think that would really affect the first time experience you are talking about. You still wouldnt know that when you walk up to say hi to it, it would explode. Theres your first time experience right there. :D
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