Decepção.(Tsuki no me: Criação de naves)

    Mar 17, 2015
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    Devo Dizer Que Estou decepcionado Comigo, eu Crio naves dentro do meu mundo da facção Tsuki no me (olho da lua), e criei Uma nave com o nomo de Mangetsu (Cheia lua), Ela É Minha predileta neve, E minha vida, se eu Perder ELA Eu Vou Morrer : Esquema:... Resumindo, eu Achei Que Ela era uma Melhor, Mais QUANDO vi Otras naves Aqui no forum me decepcionei, TEM naves Muito Melhores Que a Minha :(. E triste, Mais ISSO me deu Um pouco de Inspiração, vou CRIAR uma nave Mais sublime de Todas, vou melhorar a Minha nave ;). Tambem vou CRIAR UM Símbolo Para O clã tsuki no me. Vou disponibilizar Minhas naves, Mais Projetos estao Chegando, drones, cargueiros, Fabricas ambulantes, etc ... Ok Que Venha Mais.


    The Cake Network Staff Senior button unpusher
    Jun 21, 2013
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    What should I say I'm disappointed with me , I Cryo ships within my world of Tsuki faction in me ( eye of the moon) , and created a ship with the prefecture of Mangetsu ( Full Moon ) , She is my favorite snow , and my life, I Losing SHE I Will Die: Scheme: ... In short , I thought she was a Better, More WHEN vi Other ships Here in the forum I was wrong , hAS ships Very Best That My :( It's sad , isso gave me . a little inspiration , I CREATE a ship More sublime of all , I will improve my nature ;) . Also I CREATE A Symbol For clan tsuki in me . I'll provide My ships , More projects are coming, drones , cargo ships , street Plants , etc ... Ok Come What More .

    (thanks Google)
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    Sep 6, 2013
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    I must say that I'm dissapointed with myself, I made ships into my world of the faction Tsuki no me (eye of the moon), and I created a ship with the name of Mangetsu (full moon). She's my favorite ship, and my life, if I lose HER, I will die : Scheme:... Summing it up, I think she was the best, but WHEN I saw Other ships here on the forums it let me down, there are ships a lot better then mine. :( It's sad, but THAT gave me a bit of inspiration, I'll CREATE a ship more sublime of all, I will improve my ship ;). Also, I'll create an emblem for the clan Tsuki no me. I'll provide my ships, more projects are comming, drones, freighters, mobile factories, etc... Ok, May it come more.
    Here you go. Again, it was hard to make this one due to the syntax mistakes on Portuguese as well XD
    Mar 17, 2015
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    tava escrito certo, é culpa do google, tava tudo certo.