Decent economy set-up?

    Jun 22, 2013
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    Hey everyone.

    Made a server with my brother and we have recently found out you can change the economy to how you want. Has anyone got a decent economy set-up that is already in place and works well? (I.e - Things actually taking effort and time to make things and get the right items). Would make the game even more fun than it already is.

    Already had out fun making huge mega ships of destruction heh.

    Jun 27, 2013
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    This has only just been released I think I doubt many people will have much info on this yet. You need to make an initial guesstimate and balance it based on how easy/hard you find it.

    Although someone might have a list it wont be well tested, but it could be well thought out.
    May 25, 2013
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    Basic server settings :

    1) Set pirates loot values to 10 times lower. Pirate stations should still have quite a bit of stuff.

    2) Set ore prices to only 5 times more expensive per level - L5s should cost 6250 credits. Also , reduce ice rock price to 1 , ice crystal to 100 , and wood / leaves / cactus to 50.

    Beyond that , it gets fuzzy. Some modules are more useful than others ; you may want to reduce the price of power supply beams , power drains , astrotechnobeams and their respective computers. Also plexlifts , storage , antigravity and other misc items. You could raise the cost of shields to a few thousands as they are disproportionately useful.

    It\'s still impossible to prevent someone from earning millions in minutes (even from dirt blocks !) with a ship core and a build block.
    Dec 30, 2012
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    L5 minerals and such are veery rare, it\'s quite sad removing them since the work needed to find few L5 minerals is much bigger than harvesting 5 stations, with a lot more profit but more universe degradation.
    Jun 27, 2013
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    Make build blocks very expensive.

    And it is really easy to find stacks of 300 L5 minerals in stations and pirate drops.

    And if you are making ice crystals cheaper, shouldn\'t you make plexglass cheaper?
    Jun 28, 2013
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    Heres the sell prices I\'m going to be trying on my singleplayer universe (to tweak the values of blocks, load StarMade and click the Modding tab at the top of the screen before you launch the game. Then make all the changes you want, then click File > Save. MAKE SURE YOU BACKUP YOUR StarMade/data/config FOLDER BEFORE YOU START MODDING):

    ---MINERAL ORE---

    L1 - 25

    L2 - 100

    L3 - 400

    L4 - 1600

    L5 - 6400


    Cactus - 100

    Ice Crystal - 80

    Wood - 80

    Leaves - 40

    ---MISC BLOCKS---

    Plexglass - 40

    Plexlight - 100

    SD HTC Power - 150

    Basic Hull - 20

    Hull Wedges - 80

    As you can see, I actually increased the value of Level1 ore, and drastically decreased the value of Level5 ores. I thought it was strange that Level1 ores were almost worthless. With these values, the valuable blocks are still valuable (Cacti, Ice Crystals, Plexglass) just not at rediculous levels, and low level ores are actually worth mining. I also slightly increased the value of most plants just to give a reason to harvest some of them.

    The reason I made cactus a bit more than ice crystal is because it\'s more time consuming to harvest individual cacti than it is to harvest a cluster of ice crystal.

    In addition, I\'m GREATLY reducing the amount of loot gained from killing pirates and finding chests. The settings I\'m using in my server.cfg (which also applies to your singleplayer) are:


    EDIT: Updated to the latest values I\'m using. As other\'s have mentioned, you also HAVE to open BlockConfig.xml in a text file and search for \"Mineral Seperator\" and reduce the output of all ores from 10 to whatever multiple you use for ore prices. In the above values I used 4 because I multiplied the value by 4 for each level of ore.
    Jun 26, 2013
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    For manufactured items, maybe make a 10% profit increase on every stage of the manufacturing. So an Ore with a price of 10, then that makes a componant, with a price of 100, then a final product with two componants with a price of 2000. That may encourage people to try and settle down and actually do some manufacturing as it is more profitable.
    Jun 24, 2013
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    You have to be extremely careful with the mineral separator if you tweak mineral prices.

    I actually want players in my server to lose money if they break down a lvl 5 mineral. Do the math on this. It can get nuts.

    The reason for this is because I want to lower the value of level 5 minerals immensely. They are worth 5k each in my server now. All loot numbers are at .1. If you don\'t do this, even at .1, the first lucky pirate station you find with lvl 5 minerals could still drop anywhere from 50 to 100 of them in a stack. Now you\'re rich again from one pirate station that takes 1 minute to destroy.

    So I made lvl 1 worth 25 (instead of 10) lvl 2 is 100, lvl 3 is 500, lvl 4 is 1000 and lvl 5 is 5000. To combat exploiting mineral separators, downgrading a mineral gives you 2 of the lower mineral instead of 10.

    To get people going to planets make Cacti, Wood and Ice Crystal all worth 100 a piece. This makes a single planet find of those types worth anywhere from 165k to 270k in about 20 to 30 minutes of work with a small sized mining ship.

    Asteroids are also useful now. With my medium sized mining ship (2200 blocks or so), I can mine out a medium asteroid in about 15 minutes and score around 90 to 100k credits if I pick the right roids.

    Now to combat all the ways people can just find things that will make them perma-rich, you now need to make ALL hull blocks except for brown cost 1 credit. Make power blocks cost 100 credits. Make Plexi-glass 1 credit. Make wedges 250. and other similar tweaks. Hull is infinitely easy to get anyway so just remove the squares from the economy by making them worth 1. Now if you mine a random space station out, you can make 100k or so off of it by selling the power cores.

    The reason for all of this is that if you go with the standard economy, mining is pointless, planets are pointless and asteroids are pointless except for just building stuff on them all.

    In this economy, I spent about 7 hours of playtime working my way up to a fairly large mining ship. Now I can make about 150k to 250k in an hour if I work at it really hard. It\'s a good progression for a server and the plan is to gradually put pirates in tougher blueprint ships as the world gets filled with more powerful player ships.

    I\'ll post my economy file for everyone to have a look at if you wish. It still need a lot of tweaking but I feel like we\'re on the right path.
    Jun 26, 2013
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    could i possibly join that server? ive been looking for a good economy plan like that. the whitelist server im on now is just going at the porblem with a sledgehammer and completely removing most items from the shops, making nearly everything worthless, disabling loot drops tottally and disabling blueprints...
    Jun 24, 2013
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    Tephan, you would have to be a member of my live-streaming audience so I could get to know you first :)

    Yeah it\'s working pretty good so far. Of course eventually people will be on there long enough that they will have a lot of money but still, at least there\'s a journey to get there.
    Jun 26, 2013
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    This guy on reddit has a pretty good economy model, I based part of my economy, with some adjustments here and there, mostly on this thing.

    I enjoy it because its more of a means to build a manufactoring system to make items cheaper than to buy items, I still get goo globs of money and with a bit of effort can reach max credits but it takes longer and feels more rewarding when i do. also build blocks are OP.
    Jun 20, 2013
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    I was helping MichaelSeph test his changed multiples on NASS, and he set the Pirate station loot multiple to .2, so that you would get less amounts of items, but he increased the multiple for loot diversity, so you would get more varied amounts of loot.

    I went to 4 pirate stations, from the first two, I got about 2.5M each, and from the next two, I got about 1.5M each. Seems pretty balanced.
    Jun 20, 2013
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    I dont really want to retype my whole lsit of changes so I will jsut post a link to the forum topic for my server

    it has a full list of the changed I amde for my servers economy if your intrested in a copy of the block config liet me know I got it up on mega