Dan' Stargate ships Emporium

    The lights are...

    • Too dim

      Votes: 0 0.0%
    • Too blue

      Votes: 0 0.0%
    • Not blue enough

      Votes: 0 0.0%
    • Sometimes not blue enough

      Votes: 0 0.0%
    • Sometimes too dim and too blue

      Votes: 0 0.0%
    • Sometimes too dim, but not blue enough

      Votes: 0 0.0%
    • Sometimes too dim, but otherwise fine

      Votes: 1 50.0%
    • Fine

      Votes: 1 50.0%

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    • Poll closed .
    Jan 11, 2015
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    Found it eventually, here's the shield generator controll room and the view of the generator
    starmade-screenshot-0129.png starmade-screenshot-0130.png

    There's also a stairwell leading down to a maintenance access bulkhead. (Yes, I know I'll fix it)
    starmade-screenshot-0131.png starmade-screenshot-0132.png

    From one end of the ship to the other, here's the fabled hyperdrive coil and all the engineering spaces.
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    Hazard lines for the forcefield emitters just ahead in case of a radiation leak. Bulkhead ahead leads to the hyperdrive coil.

    Here's inside that room. And here's one of the engineering spaces, these rooms have windows on both sides of the ship.
    starmade-screenshot-0135.png starmade-screenshot-0136.png

    Another area which could need to be shielded, this corridor leads to the hyperdrive core systems controll room. And here's what that room looks like.
    starmade-screenshot-0138.png starmade-screenshot-0140.png
    Jan 11, 2015
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    There's now two paths to the fore ship, and the connection between the two went pretty well

    starmade-screenshot-0142.png starmade-screenshot-0143.png
    Like a fucking glove
    Only the first screenshot is from the fore ship, the other two are from mid ship where I'm going to begin adding crew quarters.
    This would've been a lot less impressive if I had actually taken the time to plan things, but this just fits.
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    Jan 11, 2015
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    Haven't done a lot for the last couple of days, scrapped doing a cityship from scratch a few days ago, because just no. Instead I started cleaning up the ancient SMent hull of Atlantis. I've also been putting more and more interior into the new Aurora-class; all in all, the ship is quite quickly filling up.

    starmade-screenshot-0153.png starmade-screenshot-0154.png

    I did also just start work on an Ori ship, which on paper should be a quick build since they are so symmetrical, but I'm having a hard time getting the shape right; but that's fine it's just nice to have some distractions from the main builds and whatever.
    Jan 11, 2015
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    Have done a fuckload of internals today, I've enlarged the reactor from level 500 something to level 900 something, started putting transporters around the ship, added to crew cap by 30 and closed or connected some of the open corridors around the ship.

    The chair is a turret, so yes, YOU can spin it.

    starmade-screenshot-0159.png starmade-screenshot-0158.png

    I'll try to fit as many single crew cabins around as I can, but since I'm aiming for around 200-250 crew capacity I imagine I'll be putting in atleast 2-3 more of these with 20+ beds.

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    Jan 11, 2015
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    Did more interior work yesterday and today, crew capacity of 95, added a couple of more control rooms and whatnot.

    starmade-screenshot-0161.png starmade-screenshot-0162.png

    starmade-screenshot-0165.png starmade-screenshot-0166.png

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    Chief engineer's, first mate and captain's quarter.

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    Filled the empty space inside the ship, the interior is done and all that remains is adding shit to the already created rooms.

    starmade-screenshot-0177.png starmade-screenshot-0176.png
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    Jan 11, 2015
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    Got bored and started fucking around with weapons systems today, do not, I repeat do NOT make a very very very very big nuke and fire it at things. That's what I heard anyway...

    Moving on, now that I've finished the interior I've re-started detailing the hull, which will be very fun. Or atleast more fun than doing the interior, but that's a really low fucking bar.

    I might remove some of the samller turrets, I'm not sure
    starmade-screenshot-0192.png starmade-screenshot-0193.png

    The underside looks fine, still needs more brown bits actually

    Not a lot of naked flat hull on the front section, but around mid-ship it becomes more and more barren; which shouldn't be a surprise since this is the least symmetrical part of the ship(yes worse than the two wedge sections, trust me) so I really have no idea how to "fix" that, but I'm sure I'll think of something.
    The aft should be easy to do, quite flat and symmetrical so that's nice.


    I also got bored and made a glider and a 302 earlier.
    starmade-screenshot-0188.png starmade-screenshot-0189.png
    Jan 11, 2015
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    A lot of detailing added to the aft structure, spreading forward. I flipped the ship so I could see.


    Split the massive hangar bay in half, so now half of it has a cargo room with a rail door large enough to "move" crates through it and out the hangar bay door.

    starmade-screenshot-0223.png starmade-screenshot-0224.png

    After a long struggle the activation of the hangar bay controls activate these lights; the red lights only toggle, but the green lights flash as the door closes.

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    Also, I made a dart
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    Jan 11, 2015
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    Lantean Light Cruiser now has brown bits, engines and weapons.

    starmade-screenshot-0265.png starmade-screenshot-0266.png

    And the Aurora 2.0 has a brig.
    Jan 11, 2015
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    Added some more shit to the exterior and changed the long range sensors a little to fit in more with the rest of the design.

    starmade-screenshot-0298.png starmade-screenshot-0299.png

    The engines aren't quite at the level of the engine porn engines I've seen, but I'm quite happy with how they've turned out.

    I'm still thinking of maybe redesigning the smaller turrets, if nothing just to make them wider as i think they look a little "skinny" if that makes sense.
    Jan 11, 2015
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    In what can only be described as a brilliant idea, I tried to make drone launcher turrets which somehow ended up corrupting version 123 of the 2.0. I don't think it corrupted the whole ship, but after loading back into the game it dies(spitting out that error message) when trying to load/dock the drone launchers.

    I have absolutely no idea why this happend, but it doesn't matter; I've just reverted to version 122, which was technically 4 hours old by the time i scuffed version 123, however I always save my work every time I exit the ship and start fucking around with other ships. Which I had been doing for 3/4 hours. And that last hour was dedicated to trying to find some way to fit the drone launchers into the ship... So yeah.

    Trying to load back into that whole universe results in this error message: java.lang.NullPointerException: Exception: REQUESTED TYPE 0 IS NULL
    Which I'm sure means something to someone, somewhere. However, I just switched to the backup universe, where all the blueprints have already been migrated over to lmao. Maybe I'll revisit the idea later tho...
    Jan 11, 2015
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    And so it begins, the internals of the Light Cruiser...

    Let's see if we can't get the crew cap to around 25
    Jan 11, 2015
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    Added 58 Stasis pods, not as large and clunky as the 1.0 but also not literally functional


    Here's a pic of all the strikecraft I've made so far and yes, technically the jumper is a strikecraft since they do have weapons
    Really they're the most powerfull of these strikecraft as they can fire and then cloak right after
    Jan 11, 2015
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    Haven't done alot, not been in the mood but I'll try and force through most of the Light Cruiser internals today.
    Here's what's already in there



    Tbh, I'll probably do a couple of passes over the Aurora to add in some of those lights made with slabs, only reason there's not more of them is because i forgor