Damage Overlays (Bug?)

    Aug 14, 2013
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    I actually prefer the default textures over a lot of the texture packs I've seen but I don't like the damage overlay, so I messed with it and I ended up with grey overlay on all my ships. Even downloaded texture packs did this too so I'm wondering if it is something localized to me as there is no way this issue has been overlooked by texture pack artists. I've seen screenshots of the texture packs without the grey overlay like I experience so I don't know if this is a more localized problem

    Also it seems to me that the default texture overlay isn't sized or aligned correctly with where the game (at least my game) is pulling images from. When I tried to make a new graphic that's when all the textures turn grey and I also noticed this.

    So the numbers 3 - 5 - 7 - 9 - 11 - 13 are the boxes where the actual damage is appearing. Number 3 on the default damage sheet contains only a small pixel in the corner and I found many damaged spots on my station that previously went unnoticed thanks to this. It also seems that if box 16 was the source of the grey overlay on non damaged blocks. When I cleared that of any pixels the problem went away.

    Armed with this new knowledge I wiped this up

    I like it much better than the default damage, even after I resized it. It doesn't tile perfectly but a couple of light strikes looks really nice.


    Colouring in guy.
    Jul 4, 2013
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    I have never experienced damage overlays bugging or displaying the incorrect information.

    Firstly are all of your files in the texture directory the right (and same size) dimension? Default sheets are 1024 x 1024 pixels. My 256x256 texture pack was 4096 x 4096.

    As for your attached pictures numbering parts of the damage overlay, i think your grid size is wrong.

    See below,

    As far as i am aware, the textures are divided like so and the tile size of the overlay textures is double that of the other blocks. So default overlay tiles are 128 rather than 64 x 64.
    Aug 14, 2013
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    Originally I made the numbers the same size as the 7 boxes indicating damage and I was only seeing partial images so I cut their size in half and that\'s when I could see the numbers clearly. I like the default texture pack and I only wanted to make a new damage overlay so I edited the default overlay file and added scorch marks, the dimensions of the file were not changed. When I did this everything turned grey so that\'s when I downloaded two texture packs and in both cases the textures were grey until I replaced the damage overlay file with the original.
    Aug 14, 2013
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    Well I have yet to see any screenshots that indicate proper damage overlays. It\'s easy to tell from the picture above that only the top left corner of every block is actually being applied. The textures may be 128x128 but they only apply the 64x64 from the corner. As to why all my hulls turn grey and nobody else seems to I have no idea on that but It\'s easily fixed with proper overlay textures.


    Colouring in guy.
    Jul 4, 2013
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    I\'ve been messing around with it this morning, like you said the default textures do only show the top left quarter of the tile. 64x64.

    I haven\'t played with default settings in so long i\'d never of noticed this.

    Going up to 256x256 with tiling textures make this considerably harder to catch out.

    As for your grey overlay bug? I\'m still yet to experience anything like it.

    Could it be an issue with the images alpha channel? Was the background completely transparent?

    As you wanted to see a working overlay...

    \"no fire in space\" - i\'ll explain in my thread. Ha :)
    Aug 14, 2013
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    So you actually adjusted your overlay now to make it display properly?

    Also I still prefer the scorched idea myself, but I\'m not that great with textures, I threw mine together with an image I got off Google and pasted it in and resized and re-pasted it a bunch of times.


    Colouring in guy.
    Jul 4, 2013
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    I did adjust the tile size, although the difference is marginal when the texture covers an entire tile or in my previous pack, tiles.

    It\'s really quite obvious at default resolution, not so much in the below examples.


    Aug 18, 2013
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    KUPU, stop being a damn tease and release your texture pack already! :P