Custom Pirate bases, shops, and other bases?

    Sep 10, 2013
    Reaction score
    A simple suggestion is to allow the game to use users blueprints for the shops, pirate bases, and other bases that show up in the world. So that players could build their own versions of these things and use them all over the universe.

    Right now I love the game but I feel like I could build a better looking shop, and more effective/evil pirate bases. Also I think this would help the immersive feel on servers that have a theme for their ships.
    Jul 11, 2013
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    • Purchased!
    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    i think would be easy to impliment, and would be awesome to impliment
    Sep 13, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Legacy Citizen
    pirate bases actualy have a complex structure generation system from what ive seen. it basicly has individual structure models along with a minor terrain generator (the purple and blue stuff with ice crystals) this allows it to have an unfixed ammount of turrets and to have them placed in different spots every time. as such to allow players to make their own pirate bases would mean that they would need to modefy the terrain generator and to allow users to input building models with eather semi defined snap points or a similar setup to how terraincontrol in minecraft works which is basicly a branching effect and can come out similar to the mineshafts and whatnot. as for shops and abandoned stations you could do that unless you wanted to add turrets and whatnot in which case again you would need the same system as for pirate bases. this all being said i would love to see custom npc starbase setups (and for that matter turrets on the custom pirate ships)
    Sep 10, 2013
    Reaction score
    Maybe it could use different blueprints in rotation, or the same blueprint over and over. Either way it would be more effecient to repeat one blueprint, or rotate a number of them rather than generate them.

    [More effecient if the blue prints have the same number of block as the base it\'s replacing]