Current patch issues.

    Jun 24, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    Hey, since I updated to the latest patch, I'm finding that single player mode is extremely choppy whereas it was completely fine and smooth before.
    I swapped back to the previous patch version and it was smooth again.

    My guess is that it's to do with some server stuff you put in the latest patch as it looks to create a server on your own computer in order to play single player?
    Jun 24, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    For some reason, when re-attaching a turret, when I approach it\'s core, it flickers and \'teleports\' to a new location about 50 m away. On restarting the game, the location no longer changes, but once the turret is attached, I\'m unable to enter the core of the turret. I aim at it in astronaut mode, I can right click and it tells me that I\'m unable to loot the core as usual, but it doesn\'t offer the tooltip of being able to enter the core, nor does it allow me to enter it. Also the faction block does the same, as does the AI module. It seems to be totally un-synced.