My idea is simple, a set of blocks that controls NPC movement. There would be three types of blocks:
The NPC would be capable of firing weapons while moving towards the move to block, as to allow for patrols.
NPC's in ships would have a higher accuracy rate than ai.
What would this allow for?
Envisioned setup, Dave walks into trigger area and is locked to go to the move to block.
Trigger area (walks into it)
Feel free to critique.
- Move to block: This block, when activated by logic, would "Capture" a NPC, and only NPC's, currently in the area detection block(s)[to be described next] linked to the block itself. That NPC would move towards the block (gravity applied), with the NPC's block of reference being the lower portion. The NPC would move towards the block, even if the logic signal were to be no longer true, and would only relinquish hold of the NPC once the NPC has arrived at it's destination. While active, the NPC, would not be able to activate triggers. This block would be non physical.
- NPC area detection block: This block, when a character in inside it, and only an NPC character, would return a high value. This could not be substituted by the current area trigger as doing so would negate the possible use of gravity, unless there was on option to switch between the current "toggle" mode and my proposed "while" mode. The blocks would not have to be on the same structures, in the event of two individual entities, the preexisting marker "gun" would be able to create a "wireless link" with the move to block. This block would be nonphysical.
- NPC interaction block: This block, when activated by an area detection blocks or triggers ONLY (to prevent no character selected errors), would "force" the NPC in question to "interact" with a block and face it. In other words, it would receive signals from the triggers and output onto the device to interact with in question. If it is a logic block, the state would be toggled as it would be if you pressed it. If it is a ship core, then the NPC would enter the ship (can be ejected by entering the core) and still be able to used the area detection blocks and move to's, but can't use the NPC interaction block. This block would be physical.
The NPC would be capable of firing weapons while moving towards the move to block, as to allow for patrols.
NPC's in ships would have a higher accuracy rate than ai.
What would this allow for?
- Quick loading and unloading of NPC's between docked ships.
- Armed inter ship/station patrols.
- Decorative crew on ships.
- Functional crew on ships.
- Set patrols with ships.
- Fighter pilots.
Envisioned setup, Dave walks into trigger area and is locked to go to the move to block.
Trigger area (walks into it)
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