Creativemode and more ..


    Jun 28, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    Some of the suggests might/is repeated. But only in the hope of them to come alive.

    • Creativemode:

      Creativemode for singleplayer. This will grand you unlimited blocks for a ship that you can later save as a blueprint.


    Thrusters will give a yellow'ish glow like PlexBeacons when used. The size of the light is based on the size of the connected thrusters multiplied by the movement.


    • Stations:

      Force-Shield Generator:

      Uses some of the stations shield to create a doom around the itself.

      Useful for stations like a hangar to protect any ships nearby or/and people.

      Power-consumption is based on the size.
      Deflects any damage that might happen to close ships/players
      Won't deflect solid objects like ships or people. Means anyone can fly throw it.


    • Central-Controlling Unit:

      Allows modules to interact with the ship-core. (Be aware that if destroyed, you need to rewire it all again)

      This will make a huge risk to make the core inaccessible if the control-unite gets destroyed.


    Allows people to control the ship using the Central-Controlling Unit.

    Decoy unit

    Changes the "center" of the ship. Leaving the cores location unknown.


    • EMP-Missile:

      Will cause slightly damage any block using/giving power in the section it hit and disrupting their function for 10-20 seconds (You can also manually turn them on).

      Note that shields will make the missile useless, so take down the shield first.

    Jun 24, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    I like the Decoy idea as well as the Thrusters. Creative as long as is not created, you can use the /giveid command to give yourself any item.


    The Devious Traitor
    Jun 21, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 5
    EMP stands for following, Electro magnetic pulse, Wich does following:

    Destroy circuit boards and disrupt electronical pulses comming from any source, So meaning a shield wouldnt be able to protect from it and honestly SHOULDNT protect from it,

    The idea about an EMP missile isnt bad its great! but it should be for 1 use only, and that is to disturb sub systems such as shields, power generation and weapons systems, even engines depending what you hit, So obviously big ships has hulls protecting the ship incase the shields would fail, Naturally some players dont even care about hull and just does the systems and fly around in ugly spaceships.

    So if your opponent got hull and the way i describe it would be implemented the EMP missile would effect the block it hits then hitting Hull would be useless due to the pure fact its just hull. so it would instead have a radius effect (wich would be entirely natural) and effect the system closest to the impact and then shut it down for lets say 2 or 3 seconds depending on the EMP missile array setup.

    So i\'ve not written down alot of fancy sentences just explaining and for those who dont really wanna bother reading it can read this.

    Bad function, Good idea.

    EMP vs Ship systems Such as shields. To disable shields in certain area if possible. and make it possible for structural damage. (mostly because once you got the Amazing economy and make / buy a ship it usually has more then 50k shield HP, Making it almost impossible to kill by players that has a weapons system that cant kill the shield.

    Im sure i missed something and or didnt make sense but hopefully it gave someone else some ideas!


    Jun 28, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    I know what EMP stands for .. but there are no data for how a shield works yet. The shield can or can\'t block the electromagnetic energy. Its more an idea so a small ship with 4-5 blocks can\'t destroy a large one.
    Jun 26, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    I like all other ideas execpt with the missile that it should be used instead to disable the sheilds for about 5 seconds. However you need time to switch your weapons back on forth so that uses up around 2 seconds leaving it to be 3 seconds or so of aiming and firing.

    This makes it so that not many blocks can be destroyed or the core which means that you can weaken the enemy\'s max shields or energy, wearing them down.

    That means that a big ship can\'t lose to an small fighter with the missle and 2 canons by them just taking out shields and blasting a gaping hole. But instead makes it so that a squad of fighters can take out a big ship through getting 16 blocks destroyed each time so it is a real fight with stratergy.