Couple of Turret & Projectile Bugs

    Apr 24, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    Bug #1: Friendly Fire

    If a faction has "Consider Enemy Neutral" turned on and a player of that faction enters a factionless ship and leaves it again, turrets of the own faction will attempt to shoot at the player. This only happens if the turret has a clear line of sight to the player the very moment he gets out of the ship. Also faction turrets don't seem to attack neutral ships which one would expect when the faction considers neutral as enemies?

    Bug #2: Friendly Fire on Docked Stuff

    Let's assume you have a ship. In the middle you have a couple of turrets docked, at the very front of the ship are the weapon outputs and at the very back you have a cockpit block from which you can see the turrets. If you attempt to shoot at something that is behind one of the turrets from that cockpits point of view, the projectiles sometimes hit them even though it should be impossible since they actually spawn infront of the turrets and are supposed to ignore docked stuff.

    Bug #3: Piercing Projectiles

    While playing on a server some friends and I noticed that our factions home planet doesn't give the protection we thought it would. We got attacked several times and for some reason projectiles (sometimes) pass right trough the planet and kill us. 100% sure it was caused by AMCs and not missiles.

    Bug #4: Impossible Damage to Faction Homes

    I also noticed that after two engagements in which the planet-mounted turrets were involved the planet suddenly had holes where there weren't any before. I am pretty sure the holes were caused by the turrets since they sometimes seemed to go weird and shoot at seemingly impossible angles (nearly 90° down for example) but I can't fully confirm this.