Corrupt SJW Discord admin!

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    Aug 10, 2013
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    Geez, the world we live in.

    So, this happened today:

    I look up what's happening on the SM discord, and notice there's some conversation about flat /cookie planets.
    I write something like
    "the only sane way to do planets is either spherical, or some videogame tricks to make them look spherical; Failing that, it's best to not have planets at all"

    "Nauvran" Responds, outright proclaiming flat planets are better, and I'm too unimaginitive.

    I call him stupid, he calls me a moron, you can tell it's gonna be productive......

    I try to educate him, that sometimes it's best to abide by reality. In this case, a planet being a sphere, unless you have a very good story for an exception.

    "Nauvran" Somehow makes the logical leap that if planets must be spheres then fuck fiction, because we can't have Superman either.

    I try to tell him that even Superman abides by the basic human form, hence the "man" and not "horrible alien thing" in his name, but he just keeps spewing BS.

    Having seen his intelligence, unwillingness to listen to reason, and quite possibly his intent on sparking strife, I call him a subhuman and block him after a short wait, preventing further conflict.

    A few lines later, when someone asked if we're really arguing about videogame planets, I also remarked that " a special needs person's" cognitive abilities were also a factor. Rightly so, I believe.

    And that would have been the end of it.
    I left home for a while, and when I got back, I found this gem in my inbox, from one "Garvey#2528" ;

    Since I was blocked by him, I just air out the issue right here.

    Step one, I only found out he got me banned from the Starmade Discord from not finding it on my list, and failing to re-join it, because he was too busy harassing me with insults to soothe his little SJW heart;
    Way to do your job!

    The reason for my ban, I can also only guess at, since once again, he's too busy insulting me to provide one.

    Judging by that line about Big H's descendants, is iiiit......, "I'm a Nazi?"

    In that case, how is it not okay to assume someone's gender, but totally okay to assume someone's political views?

    Thing is, the idea of a "better man", and consequently, a "lesser man" existed well before the Nazis, and since I have no way of knowing his race, I applied the term "subhuman" based on Nauvran's behaviour, and rightfully so. Insults were traded in both directions, after all, and he did display a staggering depth of stupidity.

    Even if someone IS a Nazi, if you start banning them before they do anything bad, you're more prejudiced than they are. At this point, I'd like to add, I'm Hungarian, and as such, Germans of the Reich would only consider me as "kind of okay, but not as good as us".

    Want to hear something funny? Listen to "Haunted" from the band "Disturbed". 2/3rd the way through, the JEWISH singer uses the phrase "sub-human parasites" to describe bad people.
    CH-ch-ch-check your privilige!

    Also, way to lift the "conflict" such as, out of context. Of course you can't see what came before and after on his screenshot!

    The doggy meme is funny, but do not apply in my case. What made me BETTER than the masses of the internet (not a big achievement) was always acting like I would face to face.
    Way to ASSUME what comforts you, Garvey!
    If this is mean macho for you, then go eat a steak to get your testosterone up into a readable level.
    Alternatively, see me when I'm actually riled up a bit, and don't dial myself back as much as I did! Hah!

    As a conclusion, I can confidently say:

    -I'm better than Nauvran for not acting like him; For knowing how to think about an actual solution and not accepting a stop-gag measure. For understanding videogame mechanics better, as well as knowing what "anatomy" means. It's not X-ray vision.

    -Garvey most definitely haven't dealt with anyone even remotely like me, as in all my years I've failed to find such a person. (WHAT DO YOU MEAN "YOU PEOPLE" BTW??? #triggered! lol :D ) (also, how did he "deal" with whomever he thinks he dealt with? With a harshly worded SJW speech? Perhaps by abusing his admin rights? :D )

    -I'm better than Garvey for not throwing insults and bans on a man based on my prejudices, after I both banned and blocked him so he can't respond; And I know he wouldn't want me to respond because people like him are so weak, they can't handle a retort, especially if it is true.

    Naturally, the internet being the internet, all participants are entitled to their beliefs, however mistaken.

    Had a good laugh yet?
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    Cake Build Server Official Button Presser
    Jun 30, 2013
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    >literally being a nazi by calling someone subhuman
    >complaints about Discord being SJW

    Cookies are superior, right after cake of course!
    Aug 10, 2013
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    If he acts like one, why not? It's not as if I was laying in wait, ready to pounce on unsuspecting innocents.
    I'm halfway convinced he's a troll, so why should I be the bad guy of the story.
    It wasn't even the first insult in the story.

    Reminds me of the shoplifters I used to catch when I worked security. They'd do an evil deed, yet kept cursing me even as I handed them over to the police. In their story, I was the bad guy.

    But out of consideration for those brain cells, let's make it simpler:

    -I'm called a Nazi for no reason.
    -I'm banned without a statement or a reason.
    -Insults are thrown at me after I got blocked.

    This is nothing but butthurt, caused by this Garvey guy's own imagination, to himself, then promptly taken vengeance for.

    Even Nauvran here had - and still has the means to explain why his opinion holds merit, and why is he not a bad person.
    Jun 24, 2013
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    -They didn't call you a nazi for no reason, you were calling people subhumans so they chose a name that aptly fit. Going in to the exact history of what a Nazi is and how subhuman insults go back before then, just to make it look like you aren't the bad guy here, just makes you look worse.
    -You were banned for a reason, i believe is was racism towards a long-standing member in the community.
    -Garvey is uh.......special. What he did is uncalled for and this should have ended after you were banned. He should have never gone after you after the ban.

    But yes, you are a delightful person i imagine.
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    Aug 10, 2013
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    So facts can twist whichever way you please, and the actual villain of the story is free to do how he pleases because he's special.
    Just make sure to write a letter to David Draiman, Friedrich Nietzsche, and the ancient Roman Empire, and call them all Nazis as well.

    Best part is, it doesn't even matter. One person started throwing insults and sparking strife for strife's sake. The other simply retorted. Ban both or neither.
    you were calling people subhumans so they chose a name that aptly fit
    That's a double standard.

    Going in to the exact history of what a Nazi is and how subhuman insults go back before then, just to make it look like you aren't the bad guy
    This is saying fact's don't matter.

    But yes, you are a delightful person i imagine.
    Then the snide remarks y'all been dropping make it blindingly obvious you're seeking to provoke me.

    Joke's on you though, my personality is the ultimate measure of a man's worth; Decent people really do find me DELIGHTFUL.

    And stop trying to drag ideological views into this mess, because it is an abject lie.


    I got N64 problems but a bitch ain't one
    Oct 18, 2013
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    Kind of hard to prove using the word 'subhuman' is racist when it's offensive definition included leftists, liberals and others of limited intellect. That is, if you still think racist isn't just a label you put on people that makes getting rid of them palatable.
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    Jul 2, 2018
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    Geez, the world we live in.

    So, this happened today:

    I look up what's happening on the SM discord, and notice there's some conversation about flat /cookie planets.
    I write something like
    "the only sane way to do planets is either spherical, or some videogame tricks to make them look spherical; Failing that, it's best to not have planets at all"

    "Nauvran" Responds, outright proclaiming flat planets are better, and I'm too unimaginitive.

    I call him stupid, he calls me a moron, you can tell it's gonna be productive......

    I try to educate him, that sometimes it's best to abide by reality. In this case, a planet being a sphere, unless you have a very good story for an exception.

    "Nauvran" Somehow makes the logical leap that if planets must be spheres then fuck fiction, because we can't have Superman either.

    I try to tell him that even Superman abides by the basic human form, hence the "man" and not "horrible alien thing" in his name, but he just keeps spewing BS.

    Having seen his intelligence, unwillingness to listen to reason, and quite possibly his intent on sparking strife, I call him a subhuman and block him after a short wait, preventing further conflict.

    A few lines later, when someone asked if we're really arguing about videogame planets, I also remarked that " a special needs person's" cognitive abilities were also a factor. Rightly so, I believe.

    And that would have been the end of it.
    I left home for a while, and when I got back, I found this gem in my inbox, from one "Garvey#2528" ;
    View attachment 54678

    Since I was blocked by him, I just air out the issue right here.

    Step one, I only found out he got me banned from the Starmade Discord from not finding it on my list, and failing to re-join it, because he was too busy harassing me with insults to soothe his little SJW heart;
    Way to do your job!

    The reason for my ban, I can also only guess at, since once again, he's too busy insulting me to provide one.

    Judging by that line about Big H's descendants, is iiiit......, "I'm a Nazi?"

    In that case, how is it not okay to assume someone's gender, but totally okay to assume someone's political views?

    Thing is, the idea of a "better man", and consequently, a "lesser man" existed well before the Nazis, and since I have no way of knowing his race, I applied the term "subhuman" based on Nauvran's behaviour, and rightfully so. Insults were traded in both directions, after all, and he did display a staggering depth of stupidity.

    Even if someone IS a Nazi, if you start banning them before they do anything bad, you're more prejudiced than they are. At this point, I'd like to add, I'm Hungarian, and as such, Germans of the Reich would only consider me as "kind of okay, but not as good as us".

    Want to hear something funny? Listen to "Haunted" from the band "Disturbed". 2/3rd the way through, the JEWISH singer uses the phrase "sub-human parasites" to describe bad people.
    CH-ch-ch-check your privilige!

    Also, way to lift the "conflict" such as, out of context. Of course you can't see what came before and after on his screenshot!

    The doggy meme is funny, but do not apply in my case. What made me BETTER than the masses of the internet (not a big achievement) was always acting like I would face to face.
    Way to ASSUME what comforts you, Garvey!
    If this is mean macho for you, then go eat a steak to get your testosterone up into a readable level.
    Alternatively, see me when I'm actually riled up a bit, and don't dial myself back as much as I did! Hah!

    As a conclusion, I can confidently say:

    -I'm better than Nauvran for not acting like him; For knowing how to think about an actual solution and not accepting a stop-gag measure. For understanding videogame mechanics better, as well as knowing what "anatomy" means. It's not X-ray vision.

    -Garvey most definitely haven't dealt with anyone even remotely like me, as in all my years I've failed to find such a person. (WHAT DO YOU MEAN "YOU PEOPLE" BTW??? #triggered! lol :D ) (also, how did he "deal" with whomever he thinks he dealt with? With a harshly worded SJW speech? Perhaps by abusing his admin rights? :D )

    -I'm better than Garvey for not throwing insults and bans on a man based on my prejudices, after I both banned and blocked him so he can't respond; And I know he wouldn't want me to respond because people like him are so weak, they can't handle a retort, especially if it is true.

    Naturally, the internet being the internet, all participants are entitled to their beliefs, however mistaken.

    Had a good laugh yet?

    Lol what a retard. Fucking Nazi piece of shit lol. Btw I didn't block you, you were kicked. And yes. His name is fucking Official coding, and also the scumbags I go to school with. How stupid are you?
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    Lord of Lawnmowers
    Sep 18, 2017
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    This dude is like Kennedy and Dragonlord, but even edgier.

    Lemme lay this out for you:
    You must either be lying or really stupid and naive for you to think that "subhuman" wouldn't be taken as a nazi reference (which you did, lets be honest here you're just claiming otherwise because you want to be unbanned). Yes, I fully acknowledge that Nauvran is an ass, and most people would agree that they don't like talking to him. That being said, you absolutely deserved that ban for using the aforementioned phrase. Furthermore, you call Garvey (yes hes a bit uh special) a triggered SJW yet fail to see how you also got triggered enough to call Nauvran a subhuman. You are in no position to claim that we are "triggered liberals" when you also got very triggered. It's pretty obvious by the fact that you so vehemently go after Garvey and Nauvran, and even bothered to make a post on the forums to express how triggered you were over the banning. If you weren't triggered you wouldn't have made said post and gone after said people.

    You are quite obviously an uneducated virgin neckbeard in their mid 20's to early 30's, given by the way you speak and act, and how you present yourself to the community. You claim to dislike subhumans yet you exhibit many qualities that fit some definitions of subhuman. A good example of this is when you feel the need to state multiple times that you are better than Nauvran because you don't act like him, and that you know anatomy, two qualities that don't really have anything to do with being "better" than someone. Someone who is better doesn't need to state that they are better, they show they are better through their actions, something which you clearly have not done.

    Another good point is when you attempt to make the word subhuman seem less negative than it really is by giving an example of a Jewish singer saying "subhuman parasites" in a really shitty edgy song. This example falls apart due to the simple fact that non white people can also be racist (woah crazy right). Case in point, the current Israel-Palestine conflict. I'm not going to get into the politics of this, but it can be stated that individuals on both sides have said horrible things such as "subhuman parasites" about those on the other side. Just because they aren't white doesn't make their words not racist. I'd even go so far as to say that this Jewish artist may have known this, and might have even making a sublime reference/insult directed towards Palestine and co.
    Lol what a retard. Fucking Nazi piece of shit lol. Btw I didn't block you, you were kicked. And yes. His name is fucking Official coding, and also the scumbags I go to school with. How stupid are you?
    just stop youre making yourself look worse
    Dec 17, 2014
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    In my capacity as a moderator, I think this thread has served its purpose and I will close it. Make no mistake, this is not because of the subject. It is because this is turning into a "pile on" and that is not good. Please direct any questions concerning moderation myself or or use the reporting system.
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